Columbia University Admissions Fall 2022

Is it possible to share the range of questions that were asked in the Columbia interview? Thanks!

My son reported that his interview was very much focused on personality and goodness of fit for the community. The interviewer was trying to get to know his personality and what compelled him to want to go to Columbia over other great schools. The interviewer asked very few questions about academics or extracurriculars.


Did anyone else get an email from columbia asking for an interview?

Yes, my daughter interviewed with them a couple of weeks ago.

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What is a likely lettee


A likely letter is a letter (email these days) sent in advance of the official decision announcement date letting an applicant know that they are “likely to be admitted”. It is in reality an advance notice of admission, but worded as “likely” because they cannot officially provide a confirmation of admission.

Likely letters are typically sent only to recruited athletes although some colleges (not sure if Columbia is one of them) also send to very high stat non-athletes, but that’s rare.

Exactly, My son was not an athlete and was RD. His letter came about a week before Ivy day. I believe Columbia sent out about 100 but I could be wrong on that.

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One of my children received a likely email (then a letter dated 2/17/20) mid February 2020. Non athlete.

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Did anyone got interview in Washington DC area?

NO. My Kiddo did NOT get one.

Is Columbia still sending out interview requests?

Yes. My son got one yesterday. We are in California.


How late are these interviews conducted? Kid has had them with a few other ivies, Stanford and Georgetown but not Columbia. It seems too early to determine the fit and conduct the interview based on that…is it?

We are in the northeast….It is an area where I am sure there are plenty of alumni’s.

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Same here in NY for my D. No word from Columbia or Yale.


Website does indicate they conduct interviews into March. Not sure whether they prescreen for interviews (such as Yale, Harvard, etc.) or if it’s just random (like most others).


Thank you! That’s reassuring……

Same here in north Texas. No word about interview. Anyone from TX have or not have their interviews? Wondering if they screen before setting up interviews.
Does anyone know in the past years are all admitted students had interviews?

Nothing here from Columbia yet in the DFW area.

My son got an interview with Harvard, Princeton and UPenn few days after he sent his application but nothing from Columbia…
2/18 he got an email yesterday to schedule an interview!

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