Columbia University Science Honors Program ENTRANCE EXAMINATION

<p>i think i got 46 on math, 68 of science, and 12 of challenge but 2 were a 50/50 shot.
ugh…and it wasnt even as hard as i thoght it would be …just a couple tough questions in each part</p>

<p>why is science red?</p>

<p>I’m a bit worried. I got about 46-48 on the easy math, 65-70 on the science, and most likely 14 on the challenge math part.</p>

…im thinking if i dont get in ill take a photography class. it makes me feel less anxious lol and i looovee photography :)</p>

<p>ibot39, i got almost the same as you, but i am sure that i got 11/15 on the challenge math</p>

<p>what grade are you guys in?</p>

<p>Eh… is the challenge math section weighted a lot more heavily than the other 2? Cause I think I did pretty good on the other 2 sections (answered 49 easy math, around 70 to 72 in science, probably a couple wrong in each) but I got 9/15 on the challenge, and I doubt I got them all right…</p>

<p>For those of you who are worried about the challenge-math section, I did horribly on it last year (probably 7 or 8/15 on challenge math as a sophomore) but really well on science and well as far as I knew on easy-math so don’t give up hope! It was my second time taking my test and I thought I had NO chance but here I am! :D</p>

<p>I think I got about 70 science 47 math and 8 challenge correct, but did a really good essay and reccomendations, what are my chances?</p>

<p>I know we each have about a 1 in 7 chance of getting in, to be precise 1 in 6.666666.</p>

<p>i’m a junior. of the 9 challenge questions i answered, i am nearly 100% positive i got them correct. some of the science i just didn’t remember. i know it was basically regents level science but i just don’t remember everything from like 7th grade earth science or 8th grade biology. gerrr. does anyone know for sure how they decide who gets in? for example whether juniors of freshmen have a better chance of getting it or if they actually care about the letter of recommendation/ essay. i keep seeing different answers to those questions</p>

<p>i skipped like 7 or 8 in easy math cause i didnt have time!! so pathetic :frowning:
and i answered 10 in the challenge math, and i think i did alright in science
is there still hope? :&lt;/p>

<p>im a freshman, and i really like math and stuff
so i got a 15/15 on challenge and 50/50 on easy math
but i sorta did badly on science cuz bio isnt my thing
is math more weighted than science?</p>

<p>yeah…it wasnt as bad as i thought.</p>

<p>i think i got 50/50 easy math
most of science (hopefully 60-65+)
and I answered 12 of the challenge math, 10 of which i am sure i def got right and other 2 are questionable (80% sure). did anyone get in last year with this kind of stats?</p>

<p>My mom forgot to wake me up for the test… -_-</p>

<p>At least there’s always next year.</p>

<p>I think I got 43 easy math 65-68 science and either 8 or 9 challenge correct. I hope the penalty for wrong answer isn’t that high</p>

<p>what did u guys get for the cube and the x + y=r problem?</p>

<p>are we allowed to post answers on here?</p>

<p>i dnt see why not…no one is taking the test after us ths year</p>

<p>i can’t really remember the questions too well but i believe i put something like 488 or 448 or something like that for the cube, and if 2 was a choice for the x+y=r one, then that is what i put i think</p>

<p>Those are both right</p>

<p>I hated that x+y=r problem!!!I was doing it for like 10 minutes and I don’t even remember putting an answer down!!! Ugh stupid stupid problem… </p>

<p>Am I crazy or was the science part the SAME exact one as was last year??? I had deja vu moments nearly on every questions!!! I am pretty sure I’ve seen them last year… o.0</p>