Columbia vs. Georgetown 2016 ED - Input needed

<p>Hi all, I am still debating where to apply early between my two top choices (Georgetown and Columbia). I know both are huge reaches, but I´d like to apply early to one. I love both schools and would like to know which one would I would be most likely accepted at. I´m an incoming senior, btw. Any input would be great. </p>

SAT: 2080 (750 CR, 660 M, 670 W) one sitting
ACT: 32 (35 R, 27 M, 33 E, 32 S)
PSAT: 207
APs: 5 French, 3 APUSH, pending Macro, English Comp, Spanish.
GPA (unweighted): 3.74
Class rank: unranked
- in the running for NMS (most likely will be commended)
- expecting an AP award (AP scholar, maybe better)
- Science Fair, 3rd place - Mathematics (local fair, not national...)</p>

- tutoring: 4 hours/week since 11th grade
- youth leadership team (church): 1 hour/week since 9th grade
- marching band: section leader, student marching instructor since 11th grade
- work trips: summer ´09, summer ´10 (2 weeks) - building houses, fall ´08, fall ´09, fall ´10 (weekend trips) - building houses
- volunteer at university football games (concessions) - 6 games/year since 9th grade
- leadership conference - summer ´10 (1 week) Christian-related
- translated/coauthored book (scientific, got involved after Science Fair project): since summer 2010. To be published January 10, 2012. 500 pages. I translated all of it.
- worked as a secretary to my dad: since 9th grade. about 10 hours/week, year-round.
-volunteer hours total: approximately 450 hours (more by end of summer)</p>

- work trips (mentioned above)
- book stuff (mentioned above)
- secretary work
- summer ´11: 3 week trip to Germany - language immersion.</p>

<p>State of Residency: MI
Country of Origin: Schweiz, Colombia, England
Languages: Fluent in French, English (2nd language), Spanish (3rd language). Learning German, Italian, Russian.
Ethnicity: Hispanic (100%)
Possible hooks: multi-national, tri-lingual, first generation college student in the U.S.A. (immigrant)</p>

<p>INTENDED MAJOR: English or Linguistics
Any help/comments/tips/advice/constructive criticism would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Thank you much.</p>

<p>Georgetown only offers early action and ** both ** schools require SAT Subject Tests. It doesn’t look as if you took them which would automatically disqualify you.</p>

<p>Your chances at Columbia are fairly slim based on your SAT scores. However, since you are a URM that might help you out. </p>

<p>If I were you, I’d apply to Georgetown early action since Columbia is an incredibly high reach for you.</p>

<p>Although Georgetown recommends you take the SAT subject tests, they do not disqualify you from admission if you do not take them. Check their admissions website.</p>

<p>I believe Columbia requires you to submit two subject SAT tests. So if you want to do ED, plan on taking them in October.</p>

<p>As an URM (if your parents went to college in any country, you are not considered first gen) you may have a good chance if you do ED at Columbia.</p>

<p>Georgetown specifies that they don’t admit a higher percentage in EA vs RD which means there is no advantage whatsoever doing early. They also either admit or defer to RD which is same as applying RD.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the replies!</p>

<p>Sorry, I did this in a rush before my computer ran out of battery and completely forgot SAT Subject Tests. :(</p>

<p>Here they are:

  • French: 800 (first language)
  • US History: 770
  • Spanish: 750
  • English Literature: 680 (my worst, I´m considering not sending it)</p>

<p>Xanthos, I was considering applying ED to Columbia because that would improve my chances a bit, no? Or should I just do EA at Georgetown and RD at Columbia? This is my biggest dilemma right now.</p>

<p>Texasrpg, would my URM status make me competitive even with my low-ish test scores? Or would that not be enough. I´m trying to decide which to apply early mostly because I don´t want to waste my “early” application on a school I have no chance of getting into.</p>

<p>Any more input would be great, but thanks for what you´ve already given me. :)</p>

<p>Which school are you planning to apply to in Columbia?</p>

<p>I would apply to Columbia College. Either for Linguistics, English, or History.</p>

<p>I don’t think you should send your English Literature SAT II score considering that that’s what you plan on majoring in and it’s your lowest score. If you want Columbia more, apply to both early. Georgetown is early action-non restrictive which means you can apply there early and another school early decision. But if you get accepted to Columbia you must attend.</p>

<p>Georgetown won’t let you apply ED somewhere else though</p>

<p>Marshfrog is right, just read that off their website a few days ago. Unfortunate, but true. Well, looks like I´ll have to work as hard as I can on those apps to make them count. Whether they are EA/ED or not.</p>

<p>And yeah, on second thought, that Literature subject test should probably not be sent…</p>