<p>Hi all, I am still debating where to apply early between my two top choices (Georgetown and Columbia). I know both are huge reaches, but I´d like to apply early to one. I love both schools and would like to know which one would I would be most likely accepted at. I´m an incoming senior, btw.</p>
SAT: 2080 (750 CR, 660 M, 670 W) one sitting
ACT: 32 (35 R, 27 M, 33 E, 32 S)
PSAT: 207
APs: 5 French, 3 APUSH, pending Macro, English Comp, Spanish.
GPA (unweighted): 3.74
Class rank: unranked
- in the running for NMS (most likely will get commended)
- expecting AP award (AP scholar, maybe better)
- 3rd place Science Fair - Mathematics (local fair, not national...)</p>
- tutoring: 4 hours/week since 11th grade
- youth leadership team (church): 1 hour/week since 9th grade
- marching band: section leader, student marching instructor since 11th grade
- work trips: summer ´09, summer ´10 (2 weeks) - building houses, fall ´08, fall ´09, fall ´10 (weekend trips) - building houses
- volunteer at university football games (concessions) - 6 games/year since 9th grade
- leadership conference - summer ´10 (1 week) Christian-related
- translated/coauthored book (scientific, got involved after Science Fair project): since summer 2010. To be published January 10, 2012. 500 pages. I translated all of it.
- worked as a secretary to my dad: since 9th grade. about 10 hours/week, year-round.
volunteer hour total: approximately 450 hours (more by end of summer)</p>
- work trips (mentioned above)
- book stuff (mentioned above)
- secretary work
- summer ´11: 3 week trip to Germany - language immersion.</p>
<p>State of Residency: MI
Country of Origin: Schweiz, Colombia, England
Languages: Fluent in French, English (2nd language), Spanish (3rd language). Learning German, Italian, Russian.
Ethnicity: Hispanic (100%)
Possible hooks: multi-national, tri-lingual, first generation college student in the U.S.A. (immigrant)</p>
<p>INTENDED MAJOR: English or Linguistics
Any help/comments/tips/advice/constructive criticism would be appreciated.</p>
<p>Thank you much.</p>