Come On!

<p>Hey, I am worried sick about getting my acceptance decision, and what do I see - there aren't any posts. Is there nobody interested in Colorado College - that's an elite school in my opinion. You should check it out at least for its Block Plan! Anyone got his/her letter yet?</p>

<p>i got mine! a few days ago. but i live in csprings.</p>

<p>they didn't offer me as much money as i'd have liked, but i'll do the open house visit thing just to be sure. i could go up to cuboulder for free - more like, they'd pay ME to go. and i'd really like to get away from my family.</p>

<p>but cc is an awesome school! if it weren't six blocks from my house and my mom and all my friends' parents didn't go there and my dad and all of my friends' parents didn't teach there for ages it'd be my first choice. the block plan rocks my world, and it's an amazing community. it's just too familiar for me, i fear. </p>

<p>post when you hear! where are you from, lehigh?</p>

<p>Nope, I am from East Europe - I am an international. I wanted to go to Lehigh ED, that's why I chose this enthusiastic nick. By the way I heard there aren't many intels in cc, even few, although many apply.
The fact that cc is so 'familiar' to you has its advantages too, I guess. But getting away from your parents and learning to live alone and be free (as well as more responsible), is a lesson for life ;) .
Did you get your decision by mail? Or e-mail? (Or your dad told you? :) )</p>

<p>mail. my dad is actually retired now! :)</p>

<p>i'm sure they sent them all off a couple of days ago, so you should be hearing soon if you take into account mail time. </p>

<p>i didn't know that many international students applied to cc. i know there aren't many enrolled, but i would have thought that you'd have a super edge diversity-wise. most schools (incl cc, i assume) love intels.
good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for the wish!
Now that I know that my decision is already ready, and I have to wait for it arrive, makes me somewhat nervous.
The fact that most U.S. schools are rather tolerant toward internationals is the main reason for me to apply to the US. I already got in an elite international university in Germany, but finding job there, or continuing education at a state institution is really hard for internationals, especially from non-EU members. </p>

<p>Good luck to you too!</p>

<p>i'm definately going to colorado college, sent out my deposit the other day. full tuition barnes scholarship :) flying out next weekend to see it, i'm really excited</p>

<p>Hm, I didn't make it for the international scholarship, I won't be able to attend Colorado College. I am in a depression right now :( .</p>

<p>I live in Colorado and have heard many good things about CC. Sorry Lehigh about the scholarship thing. If I were you, I'd still consider goin'. I know a lot of very well qualified students who are attending even though they don't have a full ride.
Good Luck! :)</p>

<p>i just got in about a week ago</p>