<p>Hey people.....</p>
<p>Coming across to UVA (McIntire) for the academic year 08/09 from university in England for a year... really looking forward to it, should be a awesome experience. Looking at halls of residence at present; think have been allocated a place at IRC but also exploring the idea of Brown (some more than unusual questions on their application from) and Hereford! </p>
<p>Any opinions on what they are like and own experiences would be extremely helpful. Not sure how it works in America, but here when choosing a halls of residence, on personal level and usually generically speaking look for the most lively (party atmosphere), most sociable place to meet new people, and overall a good existing trade-off between having good time and working hard.</p>
<p>Be great to hear back some response
. </p>
<p>Which school in England are you coming from? One of the Universitas 21 schools?</p>
<p>A really nice first year in Brown this past year is from the Cambridge area, and she adored it. The IRC is a good fit too. Brown depends more on your personality - she is really into things like Lord of the Rings, energy conservation, science fiction/anime, etc. That said, there are plenty of people in Brown who don't like those kinds of things... A good measure of whether you would like Brown is if you like our application (and its questions). :)</p>
<p>Also, don't consider Hereford; it's far away, half first years, and generally not well liked.</p>
<p>Frankly, if you're in McIntire, you're most likely a third or fourth year. Most third/fourth years are off-grounds so I would look into off-grounds housing. It's generally much much nicer, and you can spend either the same amount or less than on-grounds housing.
If you really want to do on-grounds, I would look into Lambeth if you're not into the whole Brown thing. The IRC is a good pick, but I would try to get a single with a private bath, IMO. But stay away from Herford...it's mostly first years and far from lots of things, as well as Gooch/Dillard.</p>
<p>Thanks for taking time to say that, yeah I read the questions... quite a unique approach of selection.</p>
<p>Another one of high intrest was 'Gooch'; will would really like to find out more about that?? I believe its close to Hereford. </p>
<p>Indeed I am coming from one of the schools of Universitas 21.</p>
<p>Gooch/Dillard (they're basically the same complex, don't know why they didn't name the entire thing one or the other) is far from classes, the Corner (bars, nightlife, good food, etc), and the fitness centers. Transfers usually end up there, most hate it. I knew a few people in there this past year and they were miserable because the rooms are tiny, it's not very social, has no kitchen, and 6 people share one bathroom. The only good thing is that it's next to a dining hall, but that definitely doesn't outweigh the cons. I'd avoid it. Get something better off-grounds for the same money, or go IRC or Brown.</p>
<p>Are there any good websites to consult regarding off grounds housing you know of? looked at one but it was double the price of living on grounds, which isnt a major problem but heard you can could find good deals but Im exploring this from a somewhat blind perspective...</p>
<p>Is one correct to assume that the most vibrant of student areas is Rugby Road and 14th Street?</p>
<p>Yup. 14th/15th St are good places, Rugby Rd, University Circle, 16th/17th streets, Wertland St, or anything "behind the Corner". Those are close to the Corner, near frats, tons of apts close together. JPA is another major living area, and it includes anything on JPA, Brandon Ave, and their side streets. Frankly, I don't like the JPA area and wouldn't want to live there. The apt complexes are spread apart and some are a hike to the Corner.</p>
<p>Websites to check out:
University</a> of Virginia off-Grounds Housing, Apartments, Roommates<a href="you%20have%20to%20make%20an%20account,%20but%20it's%20free%20and%20takes%202%20seconds..it%20let's%20you%20manage%20posts%20you%20put">/url</a>
[url=<a href="http://www.hoohasit.com/forum%5DForum">http://www.hoohasit.com/forum]Forum</a> - HooHasIt.com<a href="again,%20you%20have%20to%20register,%20but%20its%20free%20and%20takes%20two%20seconds%20too">/url</a>
[url=<a href="http://www.onthegrounds.com/%5DUVA">http://www.onthegrounds.com/]UVA</a> housing & apartments, UVA textbooks, and UVA events</p>
<p>Try those three. Good luck =)</p>
<p>I think you're coming from Nottingham, as a lot of English students typically do for an exchange program - not mentioning those from Bath as well.</p>
<p>I would definitely not live in Hereford because it's too far away, and recommend IRC, Brown, or Bice. Most exchange students live in the IRC, which is convenient and within walking distance to class. You can explore off-campus housing, in which case I would recommend Jefferson Park Avenue (JPA), Stadium, and Brandon Avenue, as you most likely won't have a car.</p>
<p>Did you recieve an email from the IRC that you got allocated a place at the IRC?
How long did it take to recieve the mail?
I sent my application a few days ago and I haven't heard from them so I was curious...</p>