<p>oh I'm so sorry. Wait till next time. I know wyou will end up where you are supposed to be!</p>
<p>Robert, I am so sorry to hear about UArts. Hang in there, buddy.</p>
<p>Freedom - having read your posts for the past few months, I know you are a remarkable young man! It hurts my heart for you about UArts, but you'll be fine in a perfect program, I just know it!</p>
<p>Freedom...I am so sorry for you also. You will get in where it is right, and yes it does hurt when you think it is your best audition. My D had that reaction from Penn State, when she thought that was her best. Keep your chin up. As I have posted before, we are only waiting for one more letter (Hartt), and have been accepted at her backup school, SUNY Cortland for MT. Perhaps that is where she is meant to be. I am a big beliver in fate!</p>
<p>operagirl - way to go! I too feel that a lot has to do with fate in this process. There are many roads that lead to a succesful career in MT, or law or business for that matter. </p>
<p>Freedom - from all your posts it is clear that you have some very unique qualities that sooner or later will pay off. Follow your dreams and don't give up!</p>
<p>I love you guys :D</p>
<p>Freedom - let me add my hugs. I know it's starting to sound trite about now but I really really do believe everything will turn out alright. I think all the kids are just so brave to even do these auditions. I'd probably forget my words, pass out or run out of the room sick.</p>
<p>Robert, you have a big fan club here. Remember that, and that a BFA program is only one way (there are many others) to pursue a career in performance. Cyber hugs to you.</p>
<p>Well, I suggested that we start this thread last month knowing full well that the day would come that I would be able to post the arrival of our first official rejection -- today's the day! My daughter got her first official response today (not counting a deferral), which was a kind rejection letter from CCM. It's of course a bummer to get any rejection, but knowing at this point that all the admissions were (supposedly) sent out last week, this was just what we were expecting. My D is doing fine with it -- having received a deferral last week helps ease the pain a bit. But, having NO admissions remains stressful! </p>
<p>Wow, we're officially on the rejection thread -- woohoo! Let's hope we make it to the acceptance thread soon -- good luck to all!!</p>
<p>Just rejected from Ithaca and Roosevelt. I guess I knew I didn't have a chance at either of them, especially Roosevelt after the single worst audition ever :P</p>
<p>freedom_fri911: Ouch! Sorry to hear that you didn't get good news in the mail today. How many more to hear from?</p>
<p>tiffw - so sorry to hear about your D, hopefully you will have more good news coming your way!</p>
<p>freedom - grrrr, sending you some cyber hugs as well...</p>
<p>I have 3 left- Syracuse, Webster and Shenandoah. Shenandoah and Webster are looking the most feasable right now.</p>
<p>When can you expect to hear from Shen Shen and Webster? Everyone says that Syracuse could be at the end of the month ...</p>
<p>Shenandoah should be within the next week or so. At least thats what the admissions lady made it sound like. Webster starts sending theirs out 1st week in April I believe.</p>
<p>I made a deal with my mom that if I don't get into Shenandoah then I will start looking into what I will do if I don't get into any schools this year. How depressing...</p>
<p>i got my rejection letter from Ithaca today. so far i haven't gotten into any of my audition schools. just columbia college chicago. i'm still waiting to hear from Illinois Wesleyan and Roosevelt</p>
<p>I'm really sorry to hear that motter3...fingers crossed one of your remaining schools will come through. At least you have a school for next year either way:).</p>
<p>motter3 - really sorry to hear, things have been going your way quite yet (sending you some cyber hugs). Remember that there are many, many ways to pursue a career in MT though!</p>
<p>i got my rejection letter from roosevelt today. IWU is my top choice and it is the last college i have to hear from.... hoping for an acceptance letter</p>
<p>So sorry motter3. My son is waiting to hear from CMU, but it appears (from other posts) that the calls for acting went out last night and as he did not receive one...thinking it is a no go there. Fingers crossed for some miracle:)...tough time of year for so many people.</p>