<p>Julia, that is the stupidest (is that a word?) thing I have ever heard! Why do people presume to know which school you would prefer? They were using the wrong yardstick to measure in this situation ... In any case, DO appeal. That works sometimes, I hear. Best of luck ... go for it. You can do it! :)</p>
<p>Thanks NotMamaRose!</p>
<p>MNR - Just saw the good news for your D on the other thread! What wonderful choices! Has she decided on Acting or MT yet?</p>
<p>you mentioned applying to non audition BA w/ strong MT prgms. I never thought about this. Which schools? Can the student still audition for the musicals? Thanks.</p>
<p>CA-Mom, she is definitely going MT! Thanks for the congratulations, which I have passed along to my D! </p>
<p>Zen, one really good non audition school where you can be in plays and musicals is Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. Beautiful green campus with brick buildings (very much the ideal of a college campus), nice kids, GREAT performing arts facilities in an extremely well funded Theatre dept and what's more, they do amazing onstage work. You can declare a major in theater and do a performance track, as well as take dance and vocal music classes. I highly recommend that college.</p>
<p>If you go to the FAQ link at the top of the MT Forum page you will find a link to the "Big List" which is a list of schools that offer MT and where they offer BA. BM, BFA.... non-auditioned, auditioned.</p>
<p>Most non-auditioned BA (or BFA programs) in MT do not also have auditioned BA or BFA programs in MT, so a student in the program at an non-auditioned school could audition for musicals.</p>
<p>This is different than sme schools that offer a BA in Theatre or Theatre Studies AND a BFA (or auditioned BA) in Musical Theatre --- the policy for auditioning for musicals and taking musical theatre classes at these schools will vary. At some you can audition for musicals and take MT classes, at some those opportunities are specifically for MT students.</p>
<p>Rejected from Tisch too. Emerson is still out there...but I'm not too optimistic at this point.</p>
<p>Bohema - I am really sorry for the recent disappointments. This is a really tough endeavor. The odds are overwhelming to not be admitted and slim to be admitted. Just know you are not alone in having a very talented child that won't be defeated by this.</p>
<p>BohemaKJ, I, too, am so sorry for the "no" letter from Tisch/NYU and other disappointments.</p>
<p>If I weren't so exhausted I would go to the BIG LIST and tally up the number of BFA MT freshmen the schools expect to enroll. It can't be much more than 1000...1200 maybe? That's a tiny number of spots, and perhaps it explains why the BFA route is a treacherous one to go without a couple of BA programs on your application list.</p>
<p>sigh... D's dream of NYU... gone. :-(</p>
<p>Rejected from NYU-Steinhardt for vocal performance. As someone who initially trained her whole life to major in VP and apply to more top tier conservatories, I feel like everyone in my life has either grossly overestimated my talent or just lied to me. I'm down to three schools, and two of them (the only ones I might get into) I can't see myself going to. When I visited I just couldn't picture myself there and they didn't feel like home. :(</p>
<p>Kaitrin - </p>
<p>My D trains with a professional opera singer who insists she WILL make it someday. My D didn't even get asked to audition at Steinhardt after sending in her original CD. Don't you dare let the LIMITED amount of time you spent with these people invalidate your teacher and people that KNOW you and have heard you perform time after time.</p>
<p>It's weird. I don't mind rejection, really. I don't take it personally at all. Quite the opposite. The thing that upsets me is the college thing. I want to go to a good college and major in MT. I've been rejected from 6 schools, and I'm waiting to hear from three. One of them is Michigan, where I just auditioned. It's my top choice. They seemed interested. It was the best audition I've ever given. The other two are Temple (theatre w/ and MT concentration) and OCU. I have a real shot at both, but the Temple program isn't the best fit for me. I auditioned at OCU yesterday, and I knew they liked legit sopranos. I was expecting to like the program a lot. I was so mad at myself because when I was there I just couldn't picture myself living there and I didn't feel at home. I can't even say why, it was just my gut feeling. I'm praying to any higher power that will listen that I will somehow, against all odds and all logic, I will make it into Umich, which overall is the best fit for me personally. However, the numbers are against me, and I really don't like the fact that I may not be excited about college and my future this summer.</p>
<p>well, now the mood is pretty heavy around here. The official rejection letters from Emerson and CMU arrived today. Only Webster is left. Seems like people received their acceptances Friday and today though. It's almost over... for now.</p>
<p>SarasMom, I am so sorry to hear about these disappointments. It's such a competitive and difficult process that it truly is more of a miracle when a kid gets in than when she/he doesn't, I am afraid. I know every single person on this list has experienced the feelings that your D is going through now, and it's no fun, for sure. Hang in there. Good vibes and positive thoughts are going out for a happy letter from Webster.</p>
<p>Kaitrin - so sorry to hear that things are not quite working out the way you had wanted them to. On the other hand, don't give up on your dreams. This process almost has the feel of a lottery. There are so many applicants and only so many slots. If things do fall in place at OCU, you may want to give the program a chance, as it will definitely allow you to continue with high end training. You never know, if may wind up the place you love against all odds.</p>
<p>Is it true that some of the top colleges won't accept two or more kids from the same high school?</p>
<p>Might be true some places bettyboop...I know this year Emerson took 2 from my son's high school, Boston University took 2 and NYU took 3 and SMU took 3...these are people from the same Productions Class (an audition only theatre class) made up of about 12 seniors this year. So I guess some do...but not sure which ones you might consider top.</p>
<p>My D got her last no thank you today... from Hartt. She didn't get in to any programs. I chalk it up to many things, among them HER inexperience and my inexperience helping her figure it all out. Fell like downing a pint of Ice Cream... :(</p>
<p>She is at a production rehershal, luckily. She still has things keeping her mind active and off the rejections, but she still feels very rejected.</p>