Hi guys,
When filling in the Achievement part for an activity, let’s say I have been doing chess for years, do I put my ranking from every national championship or do I just wrote “Best ranking at National Championship: 5th”. Which is better? Please advise. Thanks 
There’s only a limited amount of space, so I’d just put down your highest ranking. Maybe put down how many times you’ve been to the national championships too if you can.
@corbeaux okay thanks
do I put down what year I achieved my highest ranking too? I wasn’t planning on doing it because my highest ranking came in Grade 9, which looks kind of bad haha since it’s supposed to show an improving trend
@Harvardbound2017 I don’t think you have to.
Just put highest ranking/national championships, don’t worry about when.
Okay thanks everyone for your input
anyone else wants to offer their opinions?
Repetitive posts are tantamount to spam and are a violation of Terms of Service. Wait 5 days with no responses to bump, not 3 hours. Extra bumps deleted. Regardless, the opinions given are all valid, so no reason to bump; how you phrase your ranking will not make or break your application.