Common App Allowed me to Submit after deadline


<p>Last night, January 1st ~11:00 PM (I know last minute,) I kept trying to submit my W&M application but the website crashed on me. I hit submit and it would try to load a PDF, and then it would crash & send me to the help desk.
Well I kept trying until 4 in the morning. At some point best 2:00 and 4:00 AM it started saying that my common app was incomplete, even though it wasn't, and I had already submitted to another school on Dec. 31 (UVa).</p>

<p>Now the next day I woke up at 12:00 PM, checked the common app website. Now it said that Common App was completed. And the submit button was still there, so I clicked on it, and it lead me through the whole PDF / credit card billing process. after that I submitted the app, then submitted the writing supplement.</p>

<p>My question is, will W&M still accept my application, even if it was ~12 hours after deadline? Or did I just waste 70$?
I was under the impression that after the deadline of a school has passed, there wouldn't be a submit button to click/ the app wouldn't let you submit at all.</p>

<p>Thank you

<p>Relax. All common app Jan 1 deadlines were extended to Jan 2 and the W&M Dean specifically posted early today:


<p>Thank you!
Yup I saw the other thread on the topic as well :)</p>