common app essay-upenn ED

<p>Just would like feedback on it; just like what I can do to make it better.</p>

<p>Also, pointing out grammars mistakes would be nice.</p>

<p>Anyone who has graduated from high school already and wants to read it just PM me.</p>


<p>Nvm. Anyone with a reasonable amount of posts can read it. The essay is an original topic so I'm not that worried about plagarism.</p>

<p>ill give it a look. im bored</p>

<p>sure, i'll read it. just p.m me.</p>

<p>Sure I'll read it and critique it. Just PM it to me.</p>

<p>I can take a look at it</p>

<p>me too, pm away</p>

<p>Sure, send it away!</p>

<p>I'll have a stab at it :P Just PM me :P</p>

<p>i'll read it! pm (:</p>

<p>ill take a whack at it</p>

<p>I'll take a gander; PM!</p>

<p>sent..Thanks for looking at my essay. :)
I'm good don't really need anymore reviews besides the ppl i pm'd.</p>