Common App Offline Counselor

<p>So I've talked to my counselor after putting her information into common app, and I gave her the offline forms for the counselor school report, but when will I know if she has sent them? I know that typically common app will post the date that a teacher/counselor starts/ submits a does it work when the counselor submits forms offline?
Will it tell me or remain blank?
Also, will a college review my application if it is submitted but my teacher has not yet submitted her recommendation??
If anyone could help answer my question it would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Some schools allow you to track the status of your application on-line. Otherwise, it is up to the school to inform you of what is missing.</p>

<p>In the envelope, include a stamped postcard addressed to you. Put the school’s name, and which recommendation it is on the post card. The admissions office is happy to mail that back to you when they receive it. You will then know that the school has received it.</p>