<p>So, i was annoyed how hard it was to write something meaningful in 150 words for the common app short answer (describe a meaningful activity/why)</p>
<p>-i'm applying to williams ed (10th), so i'm in uber crunch mode - i'm basically all finished, and it FEELS GREAT!</p>
<p>anyway, here's my best stab at it - tell if it works/any comments/suggestions are also welcome</p>
<p>My friends wonder what could possibly compel me to devote an entire Friday night, or a whole weekend, to doing nothing but research and work. A valid question, but one with a very simple answer: debate. There is nothing in the world like it; few people would willingly spend a long weekend in a far away school, debating more hours each day than they are allotted time to sleep each night.</p>
<p>For me, debate represents the culmination of my love of logic, rhetoric, philosophy, and competition. It takes rational coherence, masterful persuasion, a deep knowledge of the subject matter at hand, and a strong desire for victory in order to be a great debater.</p>
<p>Most importantly, my debate experience has allowed me to view things from a different angle; I am no longer confined to my two eyes. In a debate round, I often end up arguing in something I dont believe in. Being able to understand and articulate such an opposing opinion is critical to more fully developing and defending my own ideas.</p>
<p>anywho - if anyone wants to read my actual essay, just ask.</p>