Common App Short Answer

<p>Hey everyone,
I really need some advice and editing tips for my Activities Short Answer portion of the Common App. If you are interested in reading comment and I'll PM it to you!
Thanks so much!</p>

<p>BUMP. I will peer edit and evaluate yours back!</p>

<p>I’ll read it if you want… but I can’t give you advice without actually seeing it</p>

<p>haven’t gotten to my short answer yet, but can I read yours?</p>

<p>I’ll be willing to critique it :slight_smile: PM it over!</p>

<p>The EC is the hands down the most important part of your application. Seek a professional editor!</p>

What about GPA, SAT, and academic awards?
Maybe you meant most important writing piece?</p>

<p>No she definitely mean application. From everything I’ve heard they look at that 4-5 sentence writing sample and make the decision based on that alone.</p>