Common App Supplement Sucks

<p>The box where we input our essay says that I still have have 5 characters left, but when I try to save it, it says I took up too much room.</p>


<p>finally got it to save</p>

<p>apparently common app thinks 1800 characters means 1750 characters…</p>



<p>Yea, you have to go a little bit less when you write it in Word.</p>

<p>Damn, what did you write about? I’ve not written mine yet, but I thought 1800 seemed quite long when I looked at it…only if you want to tell me though, no pressure! Are you applying REA?</p>

<p>Apparently along with a character limit, there is a line limit. So its really a little less than 1800 chars.</p>

<p>I’m applying SCEA, and 1800 characters isn’t very long - about 310 words or so…</p>

<p>Oh, okay, I was thinking it was words rather than characters and was completely shocked that yours was over 1800 words. haha.</p>

<p>I thought the 1800 characters were kinda negligible, and I wrote 450-500 words for each essay. I had to cut them down like a mother.</p>

<p>■■■■ for sure i had the same problem
apparently if u enter another paragraph that counts as 2 characters… and then i had 4 characters left supposedly but it wouldnt send so i had to delete a word or two</p>

<p>hahaha. i thought it said WORDS so for the last week i’ve wrote FOUR 1200 WORD ESSAYS!!!
friday was spent cutting down obviously. and it’s 1800 characters (including spaces) which was probably what you missed.</p>