Grrr....dumb CommonApp

<p>The Stanford Supplement is completely screwing me over.</p>

<p>For the IV essay, it says that I have 2 characters left (so 1798 characters), but when I try to to save or print preview, an error message comes up that it's too long!!!!</p>

<p>Ugh, don't tell me I'm within the limit and then say "PSYCHE, it's too long!'</p>

<p>What the eff.......</p>

<p>check how many characters it is in a text document.</p>

<p>i had this problem too, mine was 1799 characters and it kept saying it was too long. </p>

<p>what i did was, i posted a big chunk of it, hit save, and then posted the rest, hit save again and it accepted.</p>

<p>yeah i hate the commonapp about that. the “real” max is 1796-1794 characters, depending on the essay.</p>