<p>I am applying to many competitive liberal arts colleges for transfer. The main common app essay question is: Please provide a statement (250 words minimum) that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve.</p>
<p>What is the common lenghth? As of now my essay is 800 words about 1 1/3 pages. This essay is difficult for me because in addition I need to address my reasons for applying to certain colleges in a separate, supplementary essay. These two essays seem to overlap so it is hard to know whether to drive home my main points-- college with the same values as me, college that emphasizes exploration and change, a college with students who truly care about ideas and the world-- in my main essay or my supplement. </p>
<p>As of now, my essay mostly touches on the fact that the values were different than mine at my old college and I want to go to a college where students share my values and my need to explore and discover. It's a given that i want a liberal arts school because of the small classes, great professors and intellectual community feel, but should I still mention that? </p>
<p>I’m also applying as a transfer student to several different universities. I’m having the same problem as you because my general ‘Why transfer?’ essay is around 750 words, but ideally it should be around 500-550. The thing is I don’t want to cut much out, and I’ve already removed all the extra fluff and verbose writing. Now I’m down to just my core reasons with each one more compelling than the previous one. I think I’m just going to keep my essay as is because each reason is a valid one for why I want to transfer.</p>
<p>For the specific institutions to which I am applying, I used my general ‘Why Transfer?’ essay as a launching pad to go into fine detail for the school of interest. My ‘Why Transfer?’ essay is more of what I hope to achieve at other universities and what I find missing/ what I don’t like at my current school. I was careful not to bash or make it sound inferior, but I got my point across (i.e. science program is okay but not the best, better independent study opportunities elsewhere). My ‘Why X University?’ essay elaborates on every point and talks specifically about the programs, faculty, environment, student body, etc. of that school.</p>
<p>PM me if you need additional input or want to talk in more depth.</p>