Communication Minor?

<p>I'm a journalism major at UConn and was wondering if it makes sense to minor in communication.</p>

<p>IMHO, communication is almost two broad a major/minor for any skills to be usefully developed or an employer to easily understand. </p>

<p>Think about why you’d like to study communication? Is there a part of it you’re really interested in? Or are you thinking future employment? If it’s the later, how do you think it would improve your resume? Then hopefully we can give you helpful feedback.</p>

<p>Can anyone suggest some jobs with communication major?</p>

<p>PR, journalism, government, fundraising</p>

<p>I’m not really interested in it. I heard it was a good minor because the jobs in journalism are really competitive.</p>

<p>Communication’s job prospects aren’t any better than journalism’s. It’s true that it’s a good idea to minor in something as a back up plan, but those two are way too similar; most people mean major in something different.</p>

<p>I really don’t see how a communications minor makes you more attractive to an employer. Get some technical or analytical skills. Minor in something like computer science, info systems, economics, or statistics.</p>