Community college classes?

<p>i currently have a C in calc 2 and i’m wondering if i will be able to start on calc 3 when i start freshmen year. basically, will uc’s give credit for a C? and also, someone told me the gpa from the classes you take in high school doesnt transfer over to the college gpa. can anyone verify this?</p>

<p>bump... someone answer this plz...</p>

<p>well im not sure about this, but i assumed that the only way you could get college credit for a high school class was through APs? im not sure though.</p>

<p>Score a 3 or higher on the AP exam. Actually I'm not sure about the UC's policies towards AP credits, but you need at least a 3 for anything so take the test.</p>

<p>thanks for the replys guys but i was actually asking about community college credit, not ap lol. but yeah, if anyone knows..</p>

<p>yes, i believe anything C or higher will transfer over. or atleast i hope because i got a C in a phil class i took recently.</p>

<p>It depends on the course, as well as the community college. When I took a class at the community college, it had listed on the course catalogue right next to the course name whether or not UCs or Cal States accepted the course for credit. So it could transfer, but no guarantees. Even if it doesn't, you can probably test into a higher level of Calculus, so you don't have to take Calc 2 again.</p>

also, someone told me the gpa from the classes you take in high school doesnt transfer over to the college gpa.


<p>I honestly don't know what the UCs policy on this is. I know that at my college, the grades didn't transfer though the credit did.</p>

<p>if you take a course at a community college while in high school, your community college gpa will transfer over. but when you enter your freshman year of college, you will have two different gpa's. a university gpa and a overall gpa.</p>

<p>then after lower division work is completed, you will also have a major gpa.</p>