Community college route

<p>tell me if this is a dumb idea…</p>

<p>I’m in a few UCs (UCI, UCSD, UCSB) but not the one I’d really like to go to~Davis. UCI and UCSB don’t appeal to me, and since I’m in ERC at UCSD, transfering would be difficult with the MMW courses. </p>

<p>so…in my overstressed confused state last night, this came to me:
Go to a jc that feeds into davis for 2 years. Get difficult premed classes out of the way (organic chem, physics). Transfer to davis.</p>

<p>Supposedly jc students get top priority, so as long as I had good grades and a good course selection, I’d likely be in, right? And do med schools look at where you took all your classes (would it be a negative to have taken some at the jc)?</p>

<p>i think u should go to UCSD</p>

<p>You got into UCSD... you should go to UCSD and try to transfer after two years. Worse case scenario you are graduating from a top 10 public University. CC will be dreadfully boring and you might or might not be able to take two years of it.</p>

<p>Going through CC transfer is a good route. You get the same degree as freshman admits. You get high grades in your pre-req courses and med schools don't really care where you took them as long as you can justify those grades with high MCAT scores. In addition, you save a ton of money.</p>

<p>CC is a money saver and you can probably get into Cal or UCLA if you maintain good grades.</p>

<p>Why did you apply to schools that didn't appeal to you? I do not think your idea of going to a jc is dumb. I wouldn't recommend it for a variety of reasons. You worked so hard and got into some terrific schools. Is UCSD so terrible? No school is perfect, and many students are really happy there. I think that exciting freshman year college experience, dorms, frustrations and all, can't be recaptured. Don't miss it. What if you do this and go to UCD and end up not liking it there either?</p>

<p>sorry to ask, but what's ERC at UCSD? is that a major? </p>

<p>if you want to go to a JC and try an get into medical school, you can do it. the biggest problem with that are the bio classes- many different schools do different things for their own bio program. that may not effect your pre-med status, but if may influence your 4-year B.S. program. I'm assuming you are doing some kind of bio major.</p>

<p>another thing you have to consider is that you don't have to do all your pre-med classes in the first 2 years- if you are a bio major, you could likely do your physics requirements in your junior year for example. </p>

<p>also, transferring is difficult (but not impossible) between UCs from what i've heard. also, don't be too obsessed with one school that you throw away opportunities at other good schools. If you don't want to go to SD/I/SB fine, but don't get in the idea that you would only be happy at davis. those other schools are fine schools. </p>

<p>lastly, remember that college is not completely about getting good grades and getting into medical school/grad school/a job. its partially about growing up and enjoying some of the best years of your life. if you go to a JC, you likely wont have the same opportunities.</p>

<p>theres a saying: JC is basically high school with ash trays.</p>

<p>Note that Davis has a program through Sacramento City College, a branch of Los Rios Community College District in south Davis. Via this program you could live in Davis and attend classes eventually transferring into UCD. To add on to this there are exciting plans for the future!
UC</a> Davis News & Information :: Los Rios to Build Community College Center at UC Davis: UC Regents OK Ground Lease for West Village Development</p>

<p>I also am in ERC(Eleanor Roosevelt College) for UCSD. For those who dont know what it is, it is one of the six colleges in UCSD. I also dont want to go through the MMW courses especially because Im a prospective Engineer. I talked to a admissions rep. and they told me that I have to go through it for one year, then I can transfer to Warren College. As long as you can prove that you will need less units at the other college, swithcing colleges isn't that difficult.</p>

<p>don’t cc students get priority over freshman admits?</p>

<p>Adultparentmom!~the reason why I applied to schools that didn’t appeal to me: parents. and yeah, missing out on the dorm experience is definitely something to consider. But I thought transfers could live in the dorms if they wanted to. not sure tho. </p>

<p>I guess I shouldn’t stereotype. it comes from knowing a number of people at Irvine that are miserable and of course the word that if you aren’t into the party scene at SB, you’re kinda out of the loop. You might argue that a jc is as bad, but I have a pretty good situation~I'd be moving in with some cool ppl a couple hours from home in a really neat area. I just wish I looked into the colleges at SD better...even if I switched out of ERC I’d still have those untransferable MMW courses from the first year. </p>

<p>anyway, thanks so much everyone for the input; it really helps!</p>

<p>If you really want to go to Davis, go the community college route. From personal experince I know it is very difficult to transfer from UC to UC. </p>

<p>I would highly recomnd City College of San Francisco, it's one of the top community colleges in the nation. Most of the faculty are PhDs and the transfer center is packed with great resources to get you where you want to be. There is also City College of Sacramento (closer to Davis), but it's not as good a school.</p>

<p>CC transfers are also given priorty admission because they see that you are capable of handling college course work. Your GPA is cleared once you transfer, meaning you have a fresh start once you get to Davis and will most likely graduate with a higher GPA than those started at Davis as freshmen. Also, you can sign a TAG agreemnt after you complete 30 units. This guarantees your admission to UC Davis.</p>

<p>Plus, your first two years ar spent doing general education anyway, why spend $8,000 a year to do something that only costs about $600-$800 a year at another comparable school?</p>

<p>Sure, community college is packed with obnoxious people, but you know you are a hardworker and you won't be there for long. If you don't let it get to you you'll be just fine. I went this route and given the chance, I would do it all over again. Once you get to Davis you'll feel like you truly deserve this. Trust me, it is a wonderful feeling =) </p>

<p>Good luck!!!</p>