<p>Hi everyone, I was wondering if everyone could explain to me the pros and cons of going to community college for the first two years then transferring to a four year university to finish your BA. </p>
<p>The thing is, I am worried about the financial costs of going to a university straight away and I was thinking that If i went to a CC first, then it would save me alot of money. So if everyone could explain to me the pros and cons and state your opinions please.</p>
<p>I’ll try my best to cover some pro’s and con’s of community colleges. I’ve taken a lot of community college courses over my high school career, so I know what it’s like. </p>
Maybe close to family and friends
It may give you a chance to live at home while you transition into adult-hood. </p>
The average intelligence of students is probably lower.
It may be close to family and friends.
You might miss out on some of the “college” experience.</p>
<p>Really, it kind depends on what kind of college atmosphere, financial situation, location, colleges, and personal needs that you take into consideration. I would personally chose a university, but it’s certainly not for everyone.</p>
<p>It can also be difficult to transfer depending on the university you wish to attend. But there are some schools like University of Delaware that had a parallel program where attended a community college for two years and then were guarenteed a transfer spot after getting an associate’s degree.</p>
<p>i guess the pro for CC would be its price only.</p>
average CC student might be of…uh low caliber</p>
<p>u might get into the habit of ‘leisure’ since it’s not goin to be as demanding as the real univ/colleges…thus making it hard for u to get back on track two years later. this i heard from a renowned college professor whose textbook is a must have for certain majors in college. lol and he said that about RUTGERS.</p>