Community College

<p>Hello, if i were to transfer from a community college to a UC, what courses do I need? I looked at [University</a> of California - Admissions](<a href=“]University”> and there were some courses that I’ve already completed in high school. As for the Language Other than English, I took Spanish three years during high school. Will I still have to do that?</p>

<p>Thank you very much.</p>

<p>You would need to choose which UC you were aiming for and which major. Then you would go to a community college that has an articulation agreement with that UC. The academic advising at the community college can help you with what classes you need to gain admissions into your desired major and UC.</p>

<p>If I were to refer to University</a> of California - Admissions, would I still have to take the classes I already took in high school?</p>

<p>Carly120: Please note that IGETC, the link in the previous post, is not the admissions requirements and for most programs, especially at UC Davis is not a requirement at all or only recommended. Please see University</a> of California - Admissions for a list of the minimum requirements for transfer students. In terms of IGETC advisers at the community college will have to clarify what can or cannot be used from high school since they certify the IGETC. For UC Admissions all requirements must be completed at the college level or by appropriate AP/IB exams. Please check the campuses selection criteria for transfer students to make sure IGETC is not required, or highly recommended for your program, University</a> of California - Counselors</p>

<p>I'm still sort of confused. In addition, if I finish my GE requirements, why do I have to wait two years later to transfer? Also, if I finish it, what do I do?</p>

<p>Most UC's only accept transfer applicants with 2 years of college credit. I'm not sure if AP counts, but if you took college classes in high school, those would count toward the 2 years. I believe UC's accept transfer applications every quarter, so there's no rule that says you have to wait 2 years.</p>

<p>I took a college class during high school. However, I also took three years of Spanish in high school which was what the recommended amount of years the U.C. was asking for. Do I still have to take Spanish again or another foreign language? In addition, if the UC's accept transfer applications every quarter, which UC does that? </p>

<p>Thank you very much for the response.</p>

<p>All the UC's accept transfers every quarter, except for Merced and Berkeley. Merced is on the semester system, and accepts transfers for spring semester as well, while Berkeley does not accept spring semester transfers.</p>

<p>University</a> of California - Admissions</p>

<p>If you took high school Spanish, you'd still have to fulfill the college foreign language requirement. The high school language only fulfills the requirements to apply to UC.</p>

<p>Will I have to take a foreign language or may I take another subject?</p>

<p>American Sign Language is an acceptable substitute for foreign language.</p>

<p>Sorry, actually your high school classes satisfy the requirement:</p>

<p>"Students may demonstrate proficiency for the purpose of fulfilling the Language Other Than English IGETC requirement in one of the following ways:</p>

<p>Complete two years of high school coursework in one language other than English with a grade of C or better. "</p>

<p>University</a> of California - Counselors</p>

<p>Oh, thank you very much for the information! Will the grade we received in high school pertaining to the foreign language be added to our college GPA or will it just say that I have fulfilled my requirements for foreign language without a grade?</p>

<p>Thank you very much for answering my questions; I really appreciate it.</p>


<p>don't worry so much about the small things. If you plan to go to community college and transfer into a UC, that is a fantastic idea. Its a fairly simple process.</p>

<p>1) Pick your community college.
2) Pick your UC
3) If the Uc has a guaranteed admission program, make sure you get into it.
4) Take the classes the program says to take and get A's in them (should not be too hard)
5) Get into any Uc you wish</p>

<p>Counselors can be good and they can be bad. Most from my experience will be able to answer your questions.</p>

<p>It will just say you fulfilled the foreign language requirement without a grade. High school grades never factor into the college GPA.</p>

<p>Thank you very much! I really appreciate all the answers I've received so far. I am planning to go to a community college first and then transferring.</p>

<p>Carly, community college is a very viable option for any student. Many UC's has guarantee transfer programs with many community colleges in the state. In fact community college students have the first priority to transfer to a UC. Make sure you do what Cali Trumpet said, get into a guarantee admissions program and study hard. You will save a lot of money and will eventually graduate with a UC degree.</p>

<p>Thank you very much for all your responses! Does it matter which community college I attend? I took a class at my local community college and it was was part of the GE requirement. That means that I fulfilled that course, right?</p>

<p>I really appreciate all of your help.</p>

<p>Carly, your best bet would be to take a trip to the counseling center at your local community college. There are two types of classes you'll want to take at the CC: those that satisfy IGETC (Gen Ed) requirements, and those that are prerequisites for your major. My daughter's school, Santa Monica College, has handouts available which show very specifically which of their classes satisfy IGETC requirements, and also has handouts for different majors which list the courses which are prerequisites for that major at each UC. I'm sure your school has something similar. The counselors can also tell you which of your high school AP classes and CC classes will count toward IGETC requirements. (Your three years of HS Spanish will fulfill the language requirement.) You don't have to complete the IGETC to transfer, but unless yours is one of the few highly technical majors that require a different course of study, completing the IGETC will ensure that you won't have to take any more Gen Ed courses at ANY UC after you transfer. And I think that some schools view it as a plus in making their admissions decisions.</p>

<p>With very few exceptions, UCs only accept transfer students as juniors, meaning you'll have to complete 60 semester units at your CC before you transfer. Your AP units and units from college courses you took in high school may count toward that total - again, check with the counseling office at your CC. You will need to choose a major fairly soon so that you can begin work on the prerequisite courses (which vary from UC to UC). Some of the more competitive UCs and impacted majors won't accept you as a transfer student unless you've completed those prerequisites. And many, if not most, of the UCs accept transfer students only in the fall. </p>

<p>It may sound complicated, but it really isn't - and by going to a CC, you'll not only save a TON of money, but you'll also have an advantage over other applicants when it comes time to transfer. Check with your CC counselors to find out about the guaranteed admissions programs for CC transfers at some UCs.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

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<p>Thank you very much. I will talk to my CC counselors concerning this. I really appreciate all your help! Thank you very much.</p>