Commuting to UT vs Dorms

Hi all,

I was wondering whether it is feasible to stay at home (I live a pretty consistent 40 minutes - 1 hour away from UT Austin) and commute to UT. I figure with all the buses I can find some reliable route to college and back, and I even have my dad’s car if needed for like an urgent assignment that I have to turn in. I also heard that since you’ll have a dorm partner, and his schedule may differ drastically from yours, you will be more distracted than if you were at home. For any students previously/currently admitted at UT, or really anyone with any info, do you have stories about the feasibility of commuting from home? For example, is it harder to communicate/turn in work to your classes? For reference for workload/schedule, I plan to major in the Cockrell School of Engineering (not like biology or chemistry when you need to be at campus for experiments win long hours).

I have known students who have done both. It is always feasible to stay home and commute but it takes more effort. To get from Cedar Park to class by bus will take you probably 1.5 to 2 hours unless there is a rapid ride from there. I would look at the bus/train schedules. If you drive, you have to find parking which I hear can be difficult and/or expensive. You have to plan around prof’s office hours, study groups, lab work. Definitely doable but just takes planning and time.

Students living in the dorms are overall more successful academically and more involved.
For engineering especially, your plan is likely to lead to disaster.
You won’t have time to waste on buses for three hours a day. Not to mention that most engineering students keep long hours so there may not even be buses for you to take back.
Engineering is going to require long hours in the labs and in the library. (You’re mistaken if you think your schedule will be less lab heavy or have fewer hours than a
chemistry major).
Will you really leave campus at 10-11pm and drive for 2 hours? Then get up at 5 or 6am to drive back? Soon you’ll never go home and just stay to sleep on couches in the engineering lounge, except you won’t have access to showers, closets, etc. And it won’t be very comfortable.not to mention you’ll likely get busted.
As a Cockrell engineering major, do yourself a favor and live on campus.

PS: you fill out a roommate questionnaire for your dorm. Check that you go to bed late and get up early to have someone who matches your schedule.

Ugh, with the crazy traffic in Austin these days, that sounds tough. I would stay on campus if it’s at all possible.