<p>I'm taking both classes right now, and I'm doing well in both. I can't really decide which test to take in May. What's the biggest difference between the two, and which is harder?</p>

<p>if you are taking both classes, why wouldnt you take both tests?</p>

<p>yeah just take both. i dont necessarily think one is harder than the other, just depends on your strengths, if u are able to analyze poetry better or excerpts.</p>

<p>Wait do you mean Composition vs. Literature? If you do, there's no such thing as an AP English exam based only on Comp or Lit. Do you mean English Language and Composition vs. English Literature and Composition?</p>


<p>It's called English Language and Composition and English Literature...there is no composition in literature.</p>

<p>there is composition (writing) in AP Literature</p>

<p>Of course there's composition in AP Lit AND Comp, otherwise you wouldn't have to write any essays for the free response.</p>

<p>LOL. I'd say take both, but then again it depends on if your school pays for it or not (mine does). But I still say take both; you may do better in one than in the other.</p>

<p>If you don't want to take both, I'd suggest taking Eng Lang b/c you don't need to use knowledge of literary works in your essays. You just need to have good writing skills for that test.</p>

<p>the two courses are called AP English Language & Composition and AP English Literature & Composition....check college board....</p>