compact refrigerator

<p>Ok, I need help. I'm having a very difficult time finding a compact refrigerator that adheres to UM's rules of it being 175 watts and 1.5 amps... Does anyone know of a brand that's ok? </p>

<p>this is where they specify it:
<a href=",1770,42701-1;42733-3,00.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;,1770,42701-1;42733-3,00.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Oh, and I called Haier today and each and every one of their refrigerators (even as small as 1.8cubic feet) used to much watts and amps!</p>

<p>we just bought one of the small ones at Best Buy</p>

<p>Best Buy, Target, WalMart, even Sam's club all seel fridges that will comply and meet the requirements and your needs.</p>

<p>That's what I thought... but then when I called the company to verify that, they said their smallest refrigerator is over 300 watts (double what's allowed!)</p>

<p>What brand did you buy?</p>

<p>anyone? I really need the name of a brand!</p>

<p>Can't help ya, not buying a fridge till we get down to Miami next month. Will worry about it at Walmart or Target when we get there. Just go to one of those two stores and check out the ones they carry.</p>

<p>Check out this website with refrigerators specific to UM. I imagine they must meet the standards set by the University.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>FYI....Just a little heads can get better quality with much better price than dormsupply. I don't want to bereate them, I think it's a good service to bring to campus, especially for those who can't leave campus to make their purchases, but I'd do some comparision shopping online prior to making any purchase.</p>

<p>Yep, prices at WalMart and Target run 1/2 those prices or less.</p>

<p>Okie dokie, thanks so much.. I e-mailed one of the upper-classmen on facebook and the girl told me that I'm stressing out way too much about the 'rules' and that I should just buy a random one that I like... and that no one checks the watts etc...</p>

<p>oh, Walmart has the best prices... better than Target, and Sears has fairly good prices too... </p>

<p>I guess the worst that could happen is that I arrive on campus with a refrigerator and they make me take it back... not that bad ;)</p>

<p>Last year, Best Buy at Dadeland Station had a great selection and lots of inventory at competitive prices. Same on microwaves. Sears was out of almost everything 5 days before move-in.</p>

<p>Last year we waited too long so there was nothing left at Target, and we were so hot and tired and overwhelmed with it all we just decided to forget about a fridge - and my husband happened on a flyer from some kids selling fridges they'd collected at the end of the previous year, cleaned and refurbished - they drove it over to Stanford in their truck and delivered it to the room!<br>
They were set up in a parking lot on campus, and it was just by luck that we found them, but it was perfect for us.
Good luck!</p>