<p>I need to work out an 8-school list by the start of my senior year which is not far away... Now I have 7 schools on my list now, with one spot that i can't decide. I need to choose between two schools so that i can finally put it on the list. </p>
<p>Georgia Tech vs UChicago</p>
<p>Please compare these two schools (I think they are all public).</p>
<p>ps: consider financial not an issue and I live in ma so they are almost in equal distance (although I do prefer warmer climate...)</p>
<p>They are completely different schools.
What are the other 7 on your list? Why did you choose them? If you have good, clear reasons, it should be obvious which of the two fits better.</p>
<p>Mission statements:</p>
<p>“The Georgia Institute of Technology is one of the nation’s top research universities, distinguished by its commitment to improving the human condition through advanced science and technology.” (focus on practical applications of science & technology)
[GT</a> | About Georgia Tech](<a href=“http://www.gatech.edu/about/]GT”>About Georgia Tech)</p>
<p>“Since its founding, the mission of the University of Chicago, reiterated by each president, has been to sustain at the highest level of excellence the communication of knowledge, the creation of knowledge, and the fostering of a dynamic community of scholars and students.” (focus on big ideas in the liberal arts & sciences)
[About</a> the University | The University of Chicago](<a href=“http://www.uchicago.edu/about/index.shtml]About”>http://www.uchicago.edu/about/index.shtml)</p>
<p>GT is so technology-oriented that they don’t have an English department. They have “Literature, Communication and Culture.” Their only History is History of Technology. Their Music program is in the School of Architecture. It’s a world-class school for technology and engineering, not so much for other fields. Chicago is one of the world’s great universities and it only has about 5,000 undergraduate students.</p>
<p>Guess I should do a little more research about Uchicago before i posted this thread. I know Uchicago has the better prestige and Georgia Tech fits my major. Well I think the academic strength is more important so I will go for Georgia. My other schools are: </p>
<p>What is your state of residence? Depending on your state of residence, you may have a lower cost in-state public university that is good for CS.</p>
<p>Out of state public universities good in CS with lower than typical out of state costs include University of Minnesota, Virginia Tech, and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. If you need a less selective school for CS, consider San Jose State University for its proximity to Silicon Valley employers.</p>
<p>If you major in biochemistry, look for schools which will require the lowest possible student loans. Job and career prospects are not very good at the bachelor’s level, and, on the unlikely chance you get into medical school, you do not want to be dragging undergraduate debt through medical school.</p>
<p>Choice depends on your major. Georgia is a fine engineering school & probably doesn’t feature much in non-science depts. It does cover all the basic engineering curricula. Chicago of course is a mid-wester ivy-harder to get into than git & often under-rated compared to the ivies.</p>