Comparing Art schools in East and West Coast for GD

We have only been looking into East Coast schools (RISD, PRATT/MWP, MICA etc) for DD so far. Any ideas and info on west coast schools to compare with the above in terms of program, cost and scholarships? Daughter is not too fond of the cold :(( Application deadline is getting close!

Specifically on the West Coast, CalArts compares with the schools you mentioned. With respect to warm weather generally, SCAD, in Georgia, may be also of interest.


Add RCAD (Ringling) in the mix. What type of art is she looking for?

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Graphic Design. Maybe photography as a minor or some classes on it

D ruled out CALARTS after visiting them in portfolio day. She has a varied kind of work - and they did not seem one bit interested in anything she had other than one photography/digital art and told her that they were “concept based” and looking for work that has concept design with her own typography etc to convey her ideas. She has not looked into typography at all. I guess the traditional programs with a foundation year to explore more is more suited for her.