Comparing business schools: Vermont's Grossman vs. U of Utah's Eccles

My S23 is considering both Vermont’s Grossman School of Business and Utah’s Eccles School of Business. Thanks to merit and Utah’s potential for earning in-state tuition after year 1, 4-year costs will be about the same. We are in Wisconsin, in the middle of both. He is a big snowboarder. Wants to study finance.

Utah: we visited and absolutely loved campus and the Eccles tour. He’s been invited into Business Scholars program, which will allow him to travel in year 1 and give him a cohort of possible friends and networking opps. We love the LLCs, especially the Lassonde institute. I love how the business school is so highly regarded on the campus, has a lot of resources.

UVM: he just got accepted into Grossman and we haven’t visited yet. Their curriculum is very different from other business schools, though. There’s only one major, business administration. There are four “concentration” options (accounting, finance, marketing, and one more) plus “themes” (sustainability, global, entrepreneurship). Is this going to provide the same quality of education? Would he be at a deficit having finance as a “concentration” rather than a “major?” Not helping the situation is the fact that the Grossman Business school website is AWFUL. It’s not exactly selling their program.

We’re trying to decide: should we bother trying to visit UVM these next few weeks? Our schedule is really packed and getting there is not going to be convenient for us, but we can make it work. He can see himself happy in Salt Lake City, and based on pictures of Burlington, he thinks he could be happy there, too. Our biggest question, then, is about the relative quality of education offered by these business schools, especially UVM’s. Would love any insight - thank you!