<p>Which SA is the most competitive/popular/difficult to get in?</p>
<p>according to princeton review, Annapolis has ~14% acceptance, usafa has about 15%, West Point has about 11%, the Coast Guard accepts about 24%, and the Merchant Marine accepts around 16%.</p>
<p>however, if you look at their median scores, they vary, and it depends on the area you are from how difficult it is to get into each one.</p>
<p>like missmuff said, area plays a major factor. if you’re from maryland, it’s probably easier to get into USAFA or somewhere, whereas if you’re from the springs it may be “easier” to get to annapolis or west point.</p>
<p>that being said though, it doesn’t make a huge difference. i know people who have been selected to multiple or only one, and its really hard to tell unless you try.</p>
<p>Vull, the competitive/popular/difficult shouldn’t matter. If you want to drive a tank, you are not going to find one in the AF, nor will you be driving a boat. Decide which branch you want to go to and be a part of for the next 9 yrs of your life…it will seem like an eternity if you make your determination on that as your basis.</p>
<p>Good info, thanks everyone for taking the time to answer my questions.</p>
<p>Btw, how do I know if I’m in a competitive area when there is no clear indicator such as living in MD or CO?</p>
<p>You can contact your congressional office and ask, or you can do your best and apply no matter how competitive an area you live in ;)</p>
<p>You first need to jump the 1st hurdle. PCQ. From there you will get an ALO. I wouldn’t doubt it if the gc already knows who the ALO for your area is, so ask your gc if they know. He/She will be the one who has the most experience for your area that can give you more answers than any of us. Also, are there any srs you know right now that are going through the process at your school? That will be a quick test. If you see the kid who has umpteen ECs, top 10% of class, Great ACT/SAT, and APs up the ying yang, and they only got one nom, that will give you a clue on how competitve your area is. Also look around on the threads, many states that are comp., are known to only give out 1 nom per state.</p>
<p>I suggest you also join [United</a> States of America Service Academy Forums - Powered by vBulletin](<a href=“http://www.serviceacademyforums.com%5DUnited”>http://www.serviceacademyforums.com) There is an overlap between the two of these sites, but that site is dedcated to students looking into a military education, SA’s, ROTC and schools like VMI, Citadel. They also have a chat area that people enjoy and a section for the dreaded DODMERB, with a lovely gentlemen who works in the Dodmerb arena.</p>
<p>You are way ahead of the game at this point, many kids don’t even know of this site and next yr the two of these sites will become your calming force when you are trying to navigate the waters.
Good luck</p>
<p>The one YOU want to get into! (Isn’t it always that way?)</p>