Completed FAFSA!!!!

<p>Woohoo!!!! Just completed the FAFSA (and taxes too) for DD who will be a senior in college next year. I have to took me about 20 minutes to do that renewal FAFSA....not long at all. It took me about an hour to get all of the necessary info (bank account balances, income info for DD who will not need to file taxes, etc). BUT IT'S DONE!!!!</p>

<p>Must be FAFSA Sunday, thumper1! That’s been my project today also.</p>

<p>Doesn’t it feel great? Twenty minutes…you are amazing!</p>

<p>sitting here doing the same</p>

<p>I finished mine last monday, expecting tax refunds the end of this week!</p>

<p>I am waiting on 2 things. My daughter’s W2 from her WS and we need a copy of a bank statement form a bank where the interest was too low for a 1099 but we probably have $2 in interest. Then I can complete the tax returns and the FAFSA. Need to get my husband onto adding up our assets. I know they are less than last yer and we were under the protected amounts last year, but I guess I still need to add it all up. Not sure I really want to see in black and white how much they have gone down :frowning: ! hopefully I can join the celebration later in the week.</p>

<p>I had been concerned that I wouldn’t know how much of the money my son earned in 2008 was work study and how much was from when he worked on campus in a non work study job last summer. Turns out, all I had to do was subtract medicare wages from total wages and voila, that was the work study amount (and thanks again swimcatsmom for making me aware that SS taxes aren’t withheld from WS, this got fixed at the last moment in 2008 and his W-2 reflected the correct amounts).</p>

<p>If you know you are going to ‘pass’ the simplified needs test, do you enter your asset info even though you don’t have to (I didn’t)</p>

<p>We don’t get that option in our state. But I probably would not if I did not have to.</p>

<p>I too am digging for a bank statement to find interest under $10 since no 1099 came. When I find it tomorrow, I can finish the taxes and hopefully spend just 20 minutes completeing FAFSA. Then the college fin aid form. I must be done by the 15th. I will be done by the 15th. I will, I will.</p>

<p>We hit it lucky this year. The only bank statements that didn’t come were DDs and since she didn’t have to file taxes, it didn’t matter what her interest was…we just needed the balances in the accounts for the FAFSA…and she had those (gotta love online banking…can’t you find your interest online?).</p>

<p>We have online banking. But my husband entered something wrong when trying to get into the account so it froze us out. And as he makes up random answers for the security questions and can’t remember the random answer he made up for this account we are frozen out till a live person is at the bank Monday. </p>

<p>I am going to be so screwed trying to deal with our accounts if he dies before me :rolleyes:</p>

<p>I have a password protected, encrypted document that contains ALL my passwords and security questions. Urls. account numbers, everything! It’s 6 pages long and there is no WAY I could remember all that. </p>

<p>I do the same for work stuff, because there, they make us change our passwords every 60/90 days and some of them have to be 15 characters long and there are LOTS of them</p>