Computer Engineering GA Tech

<p>What are my chances of getting into a school like GA Tech, or getting into a school like the University of Tenn with some decent scholarships? My current GPA is a 3.3 unweighted with 5 honors/duel enrollment classes taken up until the end of my junior year ranking me 51/177. I am currently taking Chem II, Physics, Pre-Calculus,Duel Enrollment English Comp, and Gov/Econ.</p>

<p>My Greatest advantages that I believe that I have going for me are as follows. </p>

<p>Placed 9th in the Nation and 2nd in my state in the FBLA cyber Security Competition</p>

<p>I have been a member for 3 years and an FBLA officer for the past two years and have done around 80 hours of community service with FBLA and other clubs. I have even been mentioned in the FBLA national publication.</p>

<p>I have played varsity football for three years, track and wrestling for one year. I Lettered in all of those sports.</p>

<p>I have entered the Siemens and the Intel STS competitions in the computer science field.</p>

<p>I have 2 very strong letters of recommendations from my teachers, citing me as one of their best students of their careers, and as having more knowledge than most juniors in college in the field of computer science. </p>

<p>I have a letter of commendation from the State of TN's Commissioner of education.</p>

<p>I am a member of the Schools Scholar's bowl team, and Interact club.</p>

<p>Now, The ugly, I have a 3.3 GPA Unweighted, and a 610 CR and 620M SAT, which I am retaking in December.</p>

<p>A Bump for life, formatting sugestions for the sucess of the thread would be apriciated as well :)</p>

<p>i dont think your scores are good enough to get you into tech. they do accept people with lower GPA’s as long as they have good SAT scores. i would work on getting that score up and you could be ok. </p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks! I feel confident that I can get my CR to a 700+ and maybe even bring my math up to a 640-650. If Tech accepts me, and they look a little on the expensive side, do you recon that some instate public schools like the Uni of Tennessee would give me some scholarships? Not a full ride, but maybe something like 3-4K a year or so.</p>