Computer Requirements for Freshmen

<p>I'm an incoming freshman in the business school. I have a macbook that I was planning to use next year, but I recently heard that Miami is a Windows-oriented campus, and requires Windows software on student computers (at least in the business school). Would using some of my Mac hard drive to load Windows be sufficient, or do I need to buy a new laptop with Windows? Thanks</p>

<p>I’d say about half, if not more, UM students have a Mac. I don’t know who told you that UM is a Windows-oriented campus cause that’s definitely not true. You’ll be fine.</p>

<p>My D has a Mac and has no issues. I don’t, though, know specifically about the business school.</p>

<p>Check with the business school. When he first got to Miami my oldest was in the engineering program and they made it pretty clear that you should have a PC; but given that many engineering software packages are written only for Windows, that’s hardly surprising.</p>

<p>For a MAC you can download “Bootcamp” which allows you to run Windows based programs. Some users say they have no problem with bootcamp, others complain of speed, format and crashing issues, (my office uses PC and I have a MAC at home and I have run into the occasional problem - nothing major, but annoying nevertheless).</p>

<p>Hey ajaku3714, I’m an incoming freshman in the business school too. I received an email from them saying this:
This is the operating system required for the CIS150 course.
• If you have a PC or MAC, you will need to install either Windows XPVista or Windows 7 (Recommended)
• Windows 7 and Windows XPVista software are available for free download at: Software Licensing & Distribution | University of Miami
• If you own a take it to an APPLE store and have a technician assist you in installing “ .” THIS IS REQUIRED FOR ALL MAC USERS! WINDOWS CANNOT OPERATE WITHOUT INSTALLING
Hope this helps</p>