Mac or PC at UM?

<p>Will a student generally be better equipped with a Mac or a PC laptop at UM? I intended to get a Mac laptop but I am a bit concerned it may be incompatible with certain things/files I may need as a student. All comments appreciated.</p>

<p>Son has had both a PC and now Mac. Never mentioned a problem with either in terms of compatibility.</p>

<p>I’d say about half of UM students have a Mac. UM is extremely Mac-friendly.</p>

<p>I would check with the school you plan on attending. Engineering seems to prefer PC. Some Business School users have also leaned toward PC. Some people on this forum have also complained about compatibility and speed issues when trying to run PC software via Bootcamp on a MAC. The short answer is you can probably use either unless you’re in engineering or going to be using high end stats packages.</p>