Computer Science at VaTech

My son was admitted to the College of Engineering as part of his intended CS major but understand that he has to take some General Engineering classes. Since he has taken a good number of AP classes (Calc, Physics, Chem, English, etc.), is there a waiver for some of these mandated classes so that he can take some early CS classes in Fall 2016?
Another question: Any out-of-staters starting out with CS as an intended major in Fall 2016? Thanks.

most engineering students come in with similar credits. they’ll just take something else, but won’t necessarily get into CS classes sooner.

Thanks undercover…this helps!

VT offers generous credits if your son has scored well on the AP exams. Credit can vary depending upon the score. Here is the link

If your son already has a demonstrated aptitude in CS I would encourage him to take all the credits available (especially chemistry and physics as he may be able to skip all required science courses). Hopefully he took AP Computer Science and will be able to skip the 1000 level courses. He should be able to get into the 2000 level courses in the first semester or second at latest.

FYI - both of my sons graduated with CS majors from VT in 3 and 3 1/2 years because of AP credit.