<p>Alright, let's figure this out.</p>
<p>I applied to UCSD, UCI, UCD, UCSC, and UCB in total. I'm a computer science major with a 3.47. This is my current status: </p>
<p>-finishing last major prereq for UCSD this sem
-finished with major prereqs for UCI
-will be missing 1 major prereq for UCD
-will be missing 2 major prereqs for UCSC
-will be missing 1 major prereq for UCB</p>
<p>I haven't heard back from a single UC. I just wanted to know if any of you other computer science majors with around the same GPA I have, heard back from anywhere yet. If so, can you tell me your about your GPA, prereqs, and the UC's that you got into?</p>
<p>comp sci major here</p>
<p>I have a 3.81 though. While prereqs are wonky, I finished all the math and comp-sci lower-division courses, so I believe I have all the reqs for the major finished. My only gen prereq missing is english, which I am taking this semester</p>
<p>I also have not received a word from any of the UC’s. It’s getting on my nerves.</p>
<p>CS major, 3.80 GPA </p>
<p>finished all math and science pre-reqs and IGETC, but I’m missing one or two programming courses from basically every campus</p>
<p>haven’t heard back from any UC yet (rejected from Cal Poly though)</p>
<p>3.58 by the end of fall, 3.61 right now! (like it makes a lot of difference!)</p>
<p>I’d love to get into UCSD, and I miss two pre-req(advised) courses: discreet math & assembly language.
TAGed to UCI…applied to UCSB(miss one pre-req) and UCB(for UCB I applied for BA not BS, and I miss a couple of courses, low chance for it anyway bcuz of GPA)
Have not heard anything back yet, even a rejection would have been cool!
I also have a mistake on my UC app, really stressing out about it! unfortunately engineering majors have to wait until the last days to know about our decision…</p>
<p>@underbear @TransferUCDerp did you guys both apply for L&S CS for Berkeley. If so, did you guys finish any of the COMPSCI 61ABC or 70 prereqs. The only one that was available to be in a reasonable commuting distance was 61B
<p>I had a 3.48 when I applied, but it fell to 3.38 after fall and winter grades.</p>
<p>I applied to UCD, UCI, UCSC, and UCSD</p>
<p>I have pre-reqs completed for all of them except UCI, but that’s because it says all of my classes are not articulated from my CC for some reason.</p>
<p>My TAG already got approved for UCD and my GPA is well above 3.2 even after the Spring grades. So I guess you could say I got accepted to UCD.</p>
<p>@anothertransfer Yeah I did 61B; it was the only one available at my campus. But Berkeley knows how hard their pre-reqs are to find, they won’t expect people to have them.</p>
<p>@underbear I agree. I am getting too anxious for UCB! 18 days and counting…</p>
<p>I’m missing discrete math for UCSC & UCD. I’m also missing some C++ class for UCSC. For Berkeley, I’m missing diff equations class (and of course the 61 series stuff, but they don’t expect us to have that). But, I’m not rely too much on Berkeley since my GPA isn’t high enough.</p>
<p>I completed the IGETC and calc series plus linear algebra as well. As for, physics vs chem, UCSC, UCD, and UCSD say we can choose the chem series or the physics series; I chose to do the chem instead of physics.</p>
<p>@bolandgoo, I don’t think assembly language and discrete math are requirements for UCSD. I read the general advice on assist.org for UCSD for CS BS. </p>
<p>EDIT: bolandgoo, oh wait, you’re doing computer engineering I’m assuming, so maybe it is required for you?</p>
<p>No I’m doing CS BS for UCSD, I’m transferring from SMC…so in the assist, I guess they have a different set of courses for me to take than your CCC. They are not requirement, they are just advised courses, like programming courses…I finished all the important math and physics and english courses.
In terms of GPA/Pre-req etc. I have no problem for UCSD…I’m afraid my mistake on my app hurt my chance…I hope they don’t catch it, UCSB caught it and emailed me about it LOL, but I am still not rejected for UCSB.</p>
<p>Yeah, on my ASSIST assembly and discrete math are also advised.</p>
<p>oh and @bolandgoo, what was your mistake? I have a minor mistake on my app but no campus has contacted me, and I’m not sure how it will affect my admission</p>
<p>it’s a complicated situation. I don’t want to bore you guys, but here it goes…
I have attended one year at a university in Iran for civil engineering, but did not request for a transcript while I was coming here, simply because I didn’t think in USA they would accept any unit from a university in Iran…I mentioned that in my app, and UCSB asked me for my transcript in Iran…I explained to them why I didn’t include my transcript, plus political reasons(my family didn’t want my university and officials know we’re moving to US, it could have caused problem, sounds paranoid, but in an unstable country like Iran everything could happen)
Anyhow, I told them I don’t have any transcript, and they don’t send me the transcript unless I go back to Iran and visit the officials in person. Then they emailed me again, saying an unofficial transcript would be fine too, but again, I didn’t have that one neither…
Then I got a third email from UC admission( general UC, not UCSB) asking for it, because depending on different UCs, they might want to check ur grades in Iran…and again I explained I can’t provide it…since then haven’t heard back anything!
Yup, this is my problem…I wish I didn’t even mention in my app I went to a uni in Iran…but they wanted me to explain a1 year gap in my education!</p>
<p>Dang, that sucks. You would think they would be more understanding about a country like Iran. </p>
<p>Wow, what a story!</p>
<p>That’s why I mentioned earlier even a rejection would have been cool :D…since I could call the university that rejected me, and asked them if it was for my situation…and if it was, then I could call UCSD(where I want to end up) and let them know in advance, by writing a full essay about it lol…or maybe go back to Iran and get that transcript asap!!</p>
<p>@anothertransfer Don’t worry too much if you’re missing pre-reqs for UCB, they’re pretty hard to find. I got accepted a couple cycles ago, and didn’t have any articulations for the EE or CS classes! But you should definitely try to take as many CS classes as your CC offers, and be ready to play catch up after transferring. :P</p>
<p>For what it’s worth, back when I applied decisions took a while too… UCSC (TAG) was 3/19 (accepted to Baskins/CS 5/1), UCSD was 4/23, UCI was ~4/29, and I have a SIR confirmation from Cal dated 4/29. That wasn’t this application cycle of course, but just be patient… decisions’ll come soon.</p>
<p>I applied to UCD,UCI,UCSC,UCSD,UCM, and UCSB. haven’t heard back from any of them. Here are my stats:</p>
IGETC certified.
-finished prereqs for UCI
-missing 2 prereqs for UCD (courses are not offered at my school)
-missing 1 prereq for UCSC (not offered at my school)
-finished all prereqs for UCSD
-missing 1 prereq for UCSB(Diff. Equations, which I haven’t taken)
-missing quite a few prereqs for Merced. A lot of them are not offered by my CC.</p>
<p>Another comp sci major here. Overall GPA is between 3.6-3.7, I applied to UCLA UCSD, UCI, UCSB and UCD. Got rejected to UCSB last friday! I’m nervous as ■■■■!</p>
<p>Really hoping for UCI or UCSD…
You guys that are mentioning SMC, do you know if that increases your chances for transfer?
My CC doesn’t have CSE 15, 20, 21, 30 & 91 articulated for SD… </p>
<p>So when you guys are saying that you finished your preqeqs, are you talking about literally everything on the list, or just everything that was articulated?</p>
<p>@jihwang, well I go check on each UC’s website and look at what it tells us to do. For example, for UCSD, I think I have will have the UCSD major prereqs done since on the UCSD CS transfer website (and on “General Advice” on assist.org for UCSD, CS major), it says to do:</p>
<pre><code> - Calculus I-for Science and Engineering (Math. 20A)
- Calculus II-for Science and Engineering (Math. 20B)
- Calculus and Analytic Geometry (Math. 20C)
- Linear Algebra (Math. 20F)
- Mechanics (Physics 2A) AND Electricity and Magnetism (Physics 2B) OR
General Chemistry I (Chem 6A) AND General Chemistry II (Chem 6B) OR
The Cell (BILD 1) AND Multicellular Life (BILD 2)
- Highest level of introductory computer programming language course
offered at the community college
<p>The rest of the classes listed on assist are classes that are probably recommended to take, but aren’t required. Also, my school didn’t articulate a single computer class. I just satisfied “Highest level of introductory computer programming language course offered at the community college” by taking the Java classes at my school (intro to programming, Java, and Java data structures – these don’t articulate with UCSD’s, but hey, it still must be satisfying the “Highest level of programming…”) </p>
<p>UCI: <a href=“Apply | Office of Undergraduate Admissions | UCI”>Apply | Office of Undergraduate Admissions | UCI;
UCSC: <a href=“http://admissions.ucsc.edu/academics/majors/computer-science.html”>http://admissions.ucsc.edu/academics/majors/computer-science.html</a>
UCD: <a href=“http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/undergrad/transfer.html”>http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/undergrad/transfer.html</a></p>
<p>^ These links say what is required (which computer classes are required). These links are probably what assist.org say as well IN THE BEGINNING OF THE PAGE when you are viewing the report. So before you get super stressed out about completing ALL the classes listed on assist.org, make sure you read what it says in the beginning. </p>
<p>That’s good to know, thanks for the info.</p>