Computer science minor at berkely

Hi is it easy to pick Comp. science minor at Berkeley.? is there a value to it ?

It’s better to major in it, unless you already have a background in computers. There definitely value in a minor in CS. The best approach in a tech minor is to take two levels of a single widely used programming language, such as .NET, SQL, Java, ect.

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Basically, it includes the four lower division CS courses and three upper division CS courses (versus about seven upper division CS courses that L&S CS majors take). In other words, you could learn substantial CS through these courses, although less than what an L&S CS major would. It would be a good base to continue learning CS on your own, and could be enough to get some entry-level CS jobs.

However, CS minors do not get any enrollment priority for upper division CS courses, which are commonly filled to capacity with L&S CS and EECS majors who do get enrollment priority, so actually enrolling in your desired upper division CS courses can be difficult. More on getting into CS courses: Getting Into Computer Science Classes

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