<p>So I know there have been about a million of these threads, and I know that ultimately this is a decision I'll have to make on my own, but I'm interested in hearing from other people who go to these schools.</p>
<p>Back in November, I was accepted to U of I at Urbana-Champaign for CS. Since then, I've visited twice. I really love the atmosphere, the facilities seem excellent, and the program is clearly high-quality. For a while, I considered UIUC the frontrunner in my college search, especially considering that it is much cheaper then out-of-state public schools or private schools.</p>
<p>However, I just got into Case Western, and they are offering me scholarships which would put the cost of attending there equal to the cost of attending UIUC. I'll admit that I haven't visited Case yet (I intend to over Spring Break), but their programs seem equally rigorous and outstanding. Unfortunately, their EECS website seems a bit incomplete, and I wasn't able to get a clear picture of the program there for CS students.</p>
<p>I'll be getting a few other decisions back in the next few weeks, but right now I'm pretty sure that the choice will be between Case and Illinois. I believe that both schools will be challenging and give me a strong education, good opportunities for job or grad school placement, possible internships, research, etc.</p>
<p>Since cost isn't a factor, a lot of other things come into play—academics, student life, school size (I see the advantages of a large school like UI and a smaller one like Case), etc.</p>
<p>My question is for anyone attending either of these schools now (especially CS students), or even anyone that knows a bit more about them. What do you think of the program, which school would you pick, and why? What factors were or are important in your decision, and is there anything else helpful you can tell me?</p>
<p>Thanks, and sorry for the vagueness. I tried searching for a similar comparison but came up empty handed.</p>