Concerning the changed SAT Subject Test score reporting policy..

<p>About the changed score reporting policy.. (I'm a Junior..)</p>

<p>Are we allowed to handpick the scores and tests we want colleges to see?</p>

<p>Does the new policy include our (Class of 2010's) December 2008 SAT Score?</p>

<p>For instance, if I receive a 200 on one test (in December 2008) and an 800 after retaking the same test, am I allowed to send only the "800" test under that subject test category?</p>

<p>I just called collegeboard this morning, and you are allowed to do that.
The new policy does include december scores.
And yes, if you go a 200 and then an 800, you could send only the 800… EXCEPT if you are applying to a school that does not accept score choice like stanford.</p>

<p>Yes, this is a really tricky point, as mdktx1 well pointed out.
Those search-savvys on CC should compile the list of colleges that do not accept the new policy…so that all of us can benefit from that…</p>

<p>Oh Thank GOD for that! Thank you so much mdktx1</p>

<p>@cyh910907: Have colleges announced their position regarding the score choice policy? The school that I’m aiming for is a “Most Selective” school, and I’m guessing that schools at such calibers would ask for the results of all the tests taken…</p>

<p>Does anyone know if public/state universities-UC Berkeley specifically-accept score choice?</p>

<p>wow really??? i thought score choice only started in march of 2009! awesomeeee thanks!</p>

<p>How would a school know if you’re sending all of your scores or only some?</p>

<p>i have a question: if i said that i want certain schools to receive my SAT 2 scores when i registered for them, is there anyway i can change it so that the scores wont be sent to them until after i see the results of the tests?</p>

<p>You CAN use score schoice to ANY college. Collegeboard has stated that colleges CANT reject score choice. In other words if you were to use score choice to a college like STANFORD, they would ONLY recieve the scores you sent them and would NOT know about the FACT that you DID use score choice. Go to Collegeboard for more information.</p>

<p>There is something called integrity.</p>

<p>And, even supposing you are comfortable living your life without guilt, there is a fair chance that colleges will find out. I would not be surprised if collegeboard disclosed scores to colleges that don’t allow score choice (technically, collegeboard is not breaking any rules, as those colleges should have received all scores anyway).</p>

<p>I don’t know how I could go through four years of college with that constantly hanging over my head. You could be easily kicked out at any moment.</p>

<p>Noone should feel guilty if they did not send in all their scores. COlleges have no reason to see your lower scores.</p>