Concerns about Sellery

<p>I really want to live in Sellery but I have a few concerns.</p>

<li>Is there a quiet place to study in Sellery?</li>
<li>How easy is it to take the courses offered in Sellery? Are they hard to get into and do they fill up fast?</li>
<li><p>How does Gordon Commons compare to other dining halls?</p></li>
<li><p>Witte- does Witte have courses available to take in the dorm? Quiet place to study?</p></li>

<p>Also if anyone has any other opinions about Sellery/Witte they are much appreciated.</p>

<li><p>Yes, there is a basement room which is always quiet as well as a lounge on the first floor which many people study in. It should be reasonably quiet on weeknights as well so you can study in your room if you wish. (Ditto for Witte, in fact my knowledge is based on Witte but Sellery and Witte are exactly the same)</p></li>
<li><p>I never took a class in the residence halls, but think about it - instead of trying to get a spot amongst 6000 freshmen, it’s just the 1000 that are in your dorm. Of course that’s oversimplified but that’s just my reasoning. You’ll probably be able to get in.</p></li>
<li><p>Gordon Commons is good. One thing that is great about it is that it has food available pretty much all day. For example, Rheta’s (dining hall for Chadbourne) has limited hours which are kind of ridiculous, like 5-6 (only) for dinner on Fri/Sat. I’d say some cafeterias’ food is better (like Rheta’s) but Gordon Commons is open all day. They are also building a new Gordon Commons behind the old one, I don’t know when that is opening though, probably not next year since they just started.</p></li>
<li><p>Witte is a mirror image of Sellery. The only difference is that it’s like a block farther from class buildings. That’s why I’d put Sellery before Witte, but they’re literally exactly the same. So same basement study room, courses available, etc.</p></li>

<p>Don’t worry too much about Sellery being loud. Yes Madison is a party school and Sellery is a party dorm, but there’s a work-hard-play-hard kind of aesthetic here and students do study quite hard Sun-Wed at the very least. Don’t think it will be lawless and vomit-filled and awful and constantly noisy because it won’t - you’re just likely to find more people there who are interested in going out (though that’s not all they are interested in, lol). If you are interested in going out as well I would put down Sellery as your first choice (and Witte second) without a second thought. You will be able to balance studying and a social life quite well there.</p>

<p>I’d back up basically RoxSox has to say on the issue, she is spot on. Basement is perfect for the silent studying and the den on each floor is solid for more “social studying”. I took a class and it was easy to get signed up. And trust me, when/if you get an 8:50 class that’s in the dorm you will really appreciate not having to face the elements so early in the morning. Lastly, Gordons is a perfectly good cafeteria in comparison to others. Best hours and the food is mostly the same.</p>

<p>Awesome posts from both. I lived in Sellery as a freshman. Completely agree with everything said above.</p>

<p>Only thing I would say is that I would have loved the Witte backyard as Sellery has no greenspace for ultimate–can go over to witte, but i tend to think the people there were more athletic/“let’s go throw a disc around types” Same for the volleyball and soccer.</p>