
<p>Looks like Phil Vasser, Nas, Dave Mathews Band and John Mayer are doing a free (for students) concert on September 6. Good stuff. </p>

<p>You (or your son/daughter, as the case seems to be on here, :P) can register for a ticket here <a href=""&gt;;/a> and you can also put your name in to buy a guest ticket.</p>

<p>I think it's awesome. My nephew is thrilled to begin his Tech career in a few weeks.</p>

<p>It'll hopefully be a bit less eventful than what my class (2010) got to start our year off with... More fun though! Make sure he registers for the ticket, you have to register by the 20th (I think.)</p>

<p>Thanks! She reserved her ticket.</p>

t'll hopefully be a bit less eventful than what my class (2010) got to start our year off with


<p>haha I agree! Man, we had quite a year, beginning to end. I look back on the first day and laugh because I was right next to Squires, so everyone was telling us to stay inside, yet people were out playing in our quad and everyone just enjoyed a beautiful day filled with the good thoughts of the first day of school (oh comeon, every "first day of school" since kindergarten has felt the same way haha). Then 4/16. Mixed in was ice, delays, bomb threats, snow, more snow, colllddd weather, random hoo-haas, and everything in between. What a way to start off college haha.</p>

<p>Enjoy the concert :) DMB will be paying C'ville a visit and i'm stoked.</p>

<p>You got to UVA a year late. They had the Chili Peppers down there last year. The first and only time I wished I was going there. :P Oh well, we got 311...</p>

<p>Hahahah. Hey, if the Peppers came through, i'm sure some more great things will come through :)</p>

<p>They're my favorite band, so to me nothing AS great will come through. Oh well, I settled for 311. It was a great show.</p>