Conditions of Admission

My grades are fine and HS transcript is ready. The thing is, my school (out-of-state) has a dual enrollment program with local universities (the class grades are recorded on the HS transcript), and I just learned that I couldn’t get graded official transcripts from the schools because I never paid for the credits. I sent in an update form explaining this situation, and my High School counselor told me not to worry about it. Should I be worried?

Having the grades on your HS transcript are fine especially if these courses fulfilled some of the a-g course requirements. Not having the college transcripts will be an issue if you want college credit for these classes, so I would contact UCB admissions and ask what you can do about your situation. Some to all of your DE courses may not be UC transferable so it may not make a difference but I would still get the correct information from admissions.

Thank you for your reply! I’m not particularly concerned with transferring credits, but rather the fact that college transcripts are part of my conditions of admission… Guess I’ll wait and hope for the best.

That doesn’t sound right. All HS students in California don’t pay for community college or dual enrollment classes. I’ve never heard of any school not wanting to give out transcripts for that reason. Maybe I’m misinterpreting the situation.

I’m out-of-state. Unfortunately students have to pay here.