?Confirmation of Submitted Common App

<p>My son's common app was successfully submitted to UM on October 17. He has received NO communication from the admissions office acknowledging receipt of his application. I called admissions several days after his application was submitted, and they told me that due to problems with the common app they had been unable, at that point, to process ANY applications.</p>

<p>So, here's the question for all of you who have submitted applications: Has ANYONE received confirmation that their application was received? Has anyone been sent an email from Miami directing them to set up their CaneLink account (as noted on the website to be the first step after the application has been received)?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Didn’t get any confirmation either.</p>

<p>D submitted common app a week ago. No confirmation yet.</p>

<p>I wrote on the similar discussion before: my D applied September 16, never received any confirmation. She e-mailed and called admissions several times. They have her documents but cannot process them and there is no ID number so far to set up an account. We don’t even know if they got anything else rather than application (SAT, ACT, recommendation letter, transcript). We had similar situation with other colleges she applied but somehow it all cleared last week.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. In some ways reassuring (we’re not alone), on some ways worrisome (how messed up this whole common app is). </p>

<p>PLEASE, if/when anyone hears from admissions regarding processing their comm on app, please post here.</p>

<p>I didnt get a confirmation submission letter from common app</p>

<p>My S submitted his CA for EA on September 28th, GC sent transcripts and LORs on October 11th, and he got an email on October 25th saying they received the application and giving him the information needed to create his CaneLink. The only problem is that on Canelink, it shows that they haven’t received the transcripts, LORs, and SAT/ACT scores (which were sent on October 4th.) </p>

<p>Since the rest of you are having problems as well, I am going to try not to worry about it now that we have an extra week but maybe next week, I will call and ask what the status is.</p>


<p>This is helpful info. At least you know that they’ve received and processed his application. I called the admissions office a day or two before your son received his Canelink email, and they told me that at that time they’d been unable to process a single common app. Maybe they’re processing them in the order they were sent, and your son’s Sept app was early in the queue. </p>

<p>This is of course anxiety-provoking, as there is the distinct possibility that we may get up to the Nov 8th EA deadline without any ability to tell whether the application is complete, and certainly with no time to re-submit any missing pieces. Hopefully they will make some allowance for all this (beyond just pushing out the deadline a week).</p>

<p>What a mess.</p>

<p>UPDATE: </p>

<p>Just looked at CaneLink and there is nothing left on his to-do list. I guess all pieces are in and accounted for. Now just to wait for decisions!</p>

<p>By the way, one thing you can do to help is look on the CA on the My Colleges tab. Click on UM and then click on Assign Recommenders. For the School Report and LORs, there should be a status of Downloaded. This will tell you what day they actually received the information. Within a couple of days to a week, they should show it on CaneLink.</p>

<p>Well, I’m taking back what I said yesterday. The to-do list is back up. I called admissions and they said that yesterday was a mistake and they still are not showing that they have his transcripts and LORs. Those have already been downloaded twice but they are still having trouble getting them!</p>

<p>What a mess! I will have my D look at CA this weekend to see if we can decipher her status?!?! In the meantime, maybe I’ll call the admissions office.</p>

<p>My D is having the same problem with her application. Received notice they got her app, all paperwork and scores were submitted in timely manner but they are showing up on her To Do list. I’m refraining from having her email or call as I see she is not alone in this. We are going to the Open House for seniors this Sunday at Miami. Anyone else going? We’ll see if we can get an answer when we’re there.</p>

<p>Is there a link in CaneLink where you can actually check the application status or am I missing something?</p>


<p>You’re at least ahead of us if you’ve received some sort of notice that her app has been received. ?by email? When was the common app submitted?</p>

<p>My understanding is that when the common app was received that she should have received an email with instructions on how to set up a CaneLink account that would allow her to check her application status. On another thread here, an applicant wrote that he went on the Miami.edu site and set up a CaneLink account, but doing it that way it wasn’t initially linked to his application.</p>

<p>Despite the fact that apparently a bunch of these kids are in the same predicament, given that the EA deadline is Friday one would think that this has to be cleared up pretty soon. Likely my son will call them tomorrow or by Weds at the latest. Will post any significant info here. </p>

<p>Asleep (in CA, originally from NJ)</p>

<p>You can go to Umiami and set up your CaneLink without student ID using your SS#. BTW, this is how you will find your student ID. We did today and found that some docs are missing.</p>

<p>I set up a CaneID but was not able to see any document updates. Did you look under MyUM or CaneLink? MyUM just give me our address info and CaneLink gives me an error message.</p>

<p>Go to [Undergraduate</a> Admission | Enrollment Management](<a href=“http://www.miami.edu/admission/index.php/undergraduate_admission/]Undergraduate”>Undergraduate Admission | University of Miami) and click on “check your status on CaneLink” tab. when you sign in you get to the page which has this square in the middle - “University of Miami Student Center” with Information on Admission. Go there. The whole page is admission status. On the right there is TO DO List. If nothing is there, you are not missing any documents, I guess. This is where we saw that U Miami did not get some of school documents.</p>

<p>My D has stuff in the to do list however, everything was previously sent. She sent an email inquiring about this yesterday but has not heard back.</p>

<p>That same thing happened to me; it says that they received nothing my teachers/counselor submitted on Naviance (transcript, letters of rec, etc.). Yet, read the disclaimer at the bottom. It says that it may weeks for them to post that they received these things. Don’t quite panic yet! :)</p>

<p>LOL Not panicking, just frustrated! Wonder what the earliest the EA applicants heard last year was. We are going to Miami tomorrow. D was invited to the football game and we are going to the open house on Sunday. We are both excited! Just wish she knew if she was accepted.</p>

<p>I remember that we were all here in CC the day the results were up and it took forever. They suppose to be up at 2:00 pm but they were not posted until after 5:00pm. I had to wait even longer because I did not have my son’s password. This time my daughter is applying ED so we will hear it in December instead of February, but the anticipation will be the same. Have fun at the game on Saturday against VTech. It is Homecoming so it will be a nice turnout. I am also going to open house on Sunday to show my daughter the new Student Activity Center; gorgeous! Go Canes!</p>