Current Common App Situation

<p>This may not be news, but:</p>

<p>My son submitted his common app to UM last week. He still has not received an email inviting him to set up a CaneLink account (the next step, per their "How to Apply" webpage). I spoke to UM Admissions just now, and they informed me that to this point they have still been unable to process a single Common App application.</p>

<p>What a mess.</p>

<p>My D is in the same boat. I guess the adcom’s will be able to look over the transcripts, test scores, high school profiles and maybe even the GC and teacher LOR’s while they wait for the common app to work the bugs out?!?!</p>


<p>Well, the test scores are sent out separately (by the College Board in our case). But my understanding is that all the other stuff is sent out through a Common App/Naviance linkup, so my guess is that none of that will be processed (or may not even be sent until the application is processed). And I don’t imagine that they’ll do anything except store test scores until they receive an application.</p>

<p>There’s irony here. These kids get pressure from everywhere to get this stuff done in a timely manner. They get it done in the face of a heavy load of senior courses (AP, honors, etc), EC’s, and wanting to have a life. And when they DO get it done on time, the colleges can’t process the application that they’ve submitted. Really unfair.</p>

<p>Yup. We had a “fun” summer riding my D to get as much of her app done. Then as you pointed out, they are taking a crazy senior load, playing a varsity sport and holding a part time job ALL while getting several EA apps in before the deadline…then this happens. It’s ridiculous!</p>

<p>I’ve heard a lot of schools are having problems from my counselor. Just to be clear, UM isn’t at fault for this.</p>

<p>This absolutely is not unique to Miami. My son applied EA several weeks ago through CApp. Miami was the only school that responded saying they’d be looking at apps in several weeks. Every other school has been radio silent to the point that S3 called to check when he should look for an email from them. Miami has since sent S3 and both parents (emails in CApp) a second email letting us know they appreciate the difficulties and delays with the new CApp and reiterating they did have his application. This is far and above any other CApp school he’s applied to, so Miami gets an A in communication as far as I’m concerned. I wish other schools would follow their lead. </p>

<p>Having said this, the nightmare that CApp handed students, universities, GCs, and teachers to navigate this year was not anywhere near ready and is a far bigger mess then they want anyone to know. This is one time I’m relieved that S3s hs is stuck in the ice age and does LORs via snail mail. It’s a pill but his are out and we are not worrying about shifting gears at this late date. What a fiasco. If your student is an EA or ED applicant and isn’t receiving email from Miami, and you did get submission confirmation from CApp, I would have them contact admissions to ask the status.</p>

<p>My son is a UMiami freshman and my daughter is applying ED and I have to agree. The communication skills at UM are great. Throughout the whole process they’ve being always very helpful, even after he was accepted and my multiple calls for information. Go Canes!</p>

<p>Okay, I’m going to write the post of shame here and claim lack of coffee and use of iPhone. I was up with my Sr who was doing hw until 2am last night so lack of sleep filters in here too. Scrolling through my iPhone I pop on the ‘Miami’ forum thinking it’s the Miami-OH forum (ducking from rotten fruit coming my way!). So, I’m embarrassed beyond belief that I ended up in the wrong forum, but am ‘outing’ myself because I mentioned receiving emails. I wanted to clear this up so others who have applied didn’t start wondering why they hadn’t received these emails.</p>

<p>Again…hanging my head in embarrassment…sorry for clicking in haste. :o The thread topic is certainly universal this year with the fiasco they are calling the common app, so I didn’t get any queues that I was not in ‘Kansas’ (or Ohio). Sorry for my confusion, foggy brain, etc. Let’s hope our kids all come out on the winning end of the CApp, or in spite of it!</p>

<p>Mea Culpa,

<p>To add on to UM’s communication skills, UM was the only school who sent me a thank you letter for visiting. I visited 5 schools and only UM sent me one. We thought it was a nice touch after flying down all the way from MD and staying in Coral Gables for a night just to see the school.</p>

<p>Blueiguana do not feel bad. UMiami did email my daughter regarding the common app delays , so kudos for both Miamis ;)</p>