
<p>So I sent my application in to Miami via CommonApp, is there anything I have left to do? I went ahead and created a CaneID after I sent it in. Should I have waited or no? I'm kinda confused and worried at the same time right now. Miami is my first choice.</p>

<p>You were fine creating your CaneID, I made mine a while back and all my application stuff showed up on it just fine. Has your counselor sent in your transcript and secondary school report and recommendations? If not, have her do that ASAP. Also, make sure you’ve sent your SAT/ACT score report(s). Other than that, just sit back and wait until February with the rest of us :)</p>

<p>Well I sent my SAT scores before I completed the application. Is that bad? Plus, does she have to send the transcript in separately, or is that part of the common app?</p>

<p>Different HS do the transcript in different ways. Check tomorrow with your Guidance counselor to make sure that your transcript was uploaded to the common app with her/his school report. If it wasn’t, have it done immediately. Check on your myUm to see if they have it for confirmation.</p>

<p>I’m not sure and I’m panicking. My myUM says that it hasnt received the secondary school report, but I’m pretty sure it was sent on Common App. It also says that because of the number of applications, that they will take longer to process and show up on the status check. Checking Common App, I noticed that I selected three teachers for recommendations, but one hasn’t submitted it yet. Since only one is required, will that not affect the status?</p>

<p>Don’t panic. You are probably fine. Why don’t you give them a call now and ask about the secondary school report? The teacher recs shouldn’t be an issue at all, since they only require one. Did you check on your CA and see if the secondary school report was downloaded (on the school forms page)?</p>

<p>Yeah, I tried calling the University, the office of admissions, and even the counselor for my area (RI). All were busy. Its November 1, so thats understandable. But on Common App it says the school downloaded them yesterday.</p>