Confused by Mays Math Requirement

From page 32 of the Mays undergraduate handbook - MATH 131, 147, 151 or 171 will be accepted in lieu of MATH 142. MATH 148, 152, 166 or 172 will be accepted in lieu of MATH 141.

To get credit for Math 151/142 you need a 4 on Calc A/B exam. To get credit for Math 141/152, you need to get a 4 on the Calc B/C exam. Doesn’t that seem backwards?

It seems as if a student who only takes Calc A/B in high school will end up taking Math 141 in college but not Math 142. Is that right?

yes, it is a misprint 141 and 151 are substitutes as are 142 and 152 - the 151/141 is A/B calc the 152/142 is B/C calc.

I just found some paperwork on the AP credit from way back when… it isn’t a misprint, my mistake Math 142 is the substitute of Math 151. Back in those days, they had you register for Math 141 if you took Calc AB… but not sure why? I just wrote it down as that being said at NSC, it was pre-AP scores being released, and many years ago. You probably already figured it out, but should someone else read this I wouldn’t want to lead them astray :wink:

I actually asked the question again in the new AP thread. When DARS updated for the new AP tests what we thought was a misprint last year was there again.

A friend of mine who went to A&M in the 90s :wink: said she had calculus credit for 142 and still had to take 141. She thought it was a dumb rule that surely had been fixed. Doesn’t sound like it though.

Math 141 is a pre-req for Math 142. AP calc gets you out of 142 but not 141.

Did you take any notes on AP Econ by any chance?

here’s the link: It says some students take 142 first or have credit for it before taking 141. Sorry didn’t write down anything on Econ. since our school doesn’t offer it.