Confused Prospective Student

<p>Could someone please tell me what the difference is between First Fall Notification and Second Fall Notification? I know with some school if you don't apply by a certain date they won't consider you for merit/need-based scholarships. Is that what the distinction is?</p>

<p>No. Applying for fin aid has its own deadline. I believe it is 2/1 2013. Applying for Fall notification requires getting all academic stuff in by the early deadline. They are not really connected.</p>

<p>Okay thanks so much!</p>

<p>Hi, I have sort of the same question as the OP: what’s the difference between First Fall Notification and Second Fall Notification?</p>

<p>Is First Fall Notification basically like an Early Action, or is preference given to those who apply by the early deadline (sort of like a rolling admission which is first come, first serve)?</p>

<p>No pref-just early answer. Many still get postponed.</p>

<p>Thanks for clearing that up!</p>