confusion about DAAP deadlines

<p>So we're finally seriously looking at UC, based mostly on what Taxguy has said in some of the Visual Arts majors threads, especially about UC's co-op program. </p>

<p>But looking at
Undergraduate</a> Admissions, University of Cincinnati
I'm now wondering if it's now too late. So the regular deadline for a Graphic Design major is November 15? Or is that a priority deadline?</p>

<p>I'll hold off on all of my other graphic design-related, co-op-related and reputation-related questions... :)</p>

<p>Austinhills, </p>

<p>According to the UC website admission site for graphic arts majors under “Priority Application Deadline” ([Graphic</a> Design: Admission Information](<a href=“]Graphic”>, “Applicants who submit a complete application by 5:00 PM on November 15, 2008 will be pooled and reviewed for selection. All applicants will receive a decision by January 15, 2009. Applications received after November 15 may be considered on a space available basis.”</p>

<p>My son is an architecture student, so I may be able to help you with your general UC, DAAP, or co-op related questions, but taxguy or students studying graphic or digital design at UC (or parents of these students) should be able to answer your major-specific questions.</p>

<p>DAAP is a wonderful school! Good luck!</p>

<p>I applyed DAAP for fall 2009. From what I understand, applying after 11/15 is okay, but they will consider people who apply before 11/15 first. (That’s why I only took the SAT test once so that my score can make it before the deadline. )If they have enough people applying before 11/15, you might be rejected. Just call the admissions office, I’m sure you’ll get an anwser.</p>

<p>Pardon my bad English. : (</p>

<p>Thanks for replying, Mom of 2 and soymilk. I did call UC today three separate times. The first two admissions officers I talked to said that there wasn’t much hope since the deadline had come and gone, but that my daughter could go ahead and apply and see if there were any spots left. The third time I called for some other clarification, the person said it’s a virtual certainty that all spots would be filled. </p>

<p>So… I guess it was not meant to be. And I do appreciate her giving us (what I suspect was) a more realistic assessment of D’s chances. It’ll save D a bit of time, too.</p>

<p>DAAP sounds like a great school, and I wish everyone else the best at UC.</p>

<p>(Soymilk, your English is great, by the way.)</p>