Confusion about university selection

I have got an admit from the University of Dayton for masters in computer science and also from Illinois Institute of technology so was confused in which to choose if someone can help.
I wanted to know the value of the degree for both the universities and the job opportunities

Which one is more affordable. Who is doing the work you are most interested in. AI. Where do you want to live.

Are you an international student?
Illinois Tech is a private technical school, with about even numbers of bachelors degree students and masters degree students, its in the south part of Chicago, of a major metropolitan area, and the largest city in the midwest for high tech, finance, and manufacturing. Illinois Tech is very focused on technical degrees, and patent law, (in their downtown law school ) as well as architecture, and an urban environment.
Cybersecurity is a special strength of IIT.

That area of Chicago is transitioning, and may not feel 100% safe, but you can find housing nearby.
Lake Michigan has a very nice shoreline all through Chicago and up to Evanston and also in Milwaukee.

U of Dayton is a Roman Catholic school, near a well known US Air Force Base, Wright Patterson
. Its a growing high tech region, It is one of three US Catholic colleges founded by the Society of Mary, a group of Roman Catholic priests. (Most US Catholic schools are Jesuit, a different order and focus ). All Catholic schools stress service to others, but are not necessarily very religious in focus.

U of Dayton is a little less technically focused school than Illinois Tech Dayton is a smaller attractive city. General Electric sends engineers to U of Dayton to earn masters degrees, and engineering is considered strong for a Roman Catholic school, which typically focused more on reading and writing.

Illinois is a state with thousands of CS and engineering jobs and thus IIT is near a lot of great jobs in the Chicago/Schaumberg area.

Ohio also has a growing number of CS positions in many cities, Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati and Dayton all have high tech economies now.

GE sends its most talented engineers, the Edison scholars, to get their masters degrees at U of Dayton.

GE Aviation is located in Cincinnati Ohio and many other cities.

There are over 200 Catholic colleges in the US, only 28 are Jesuit.

Thanks a lot for the reply. yes, I am an international student from India.
If someone can help me out to know about the faculties for both the universities and value of the university in the US.

Most American universities have “faculty” or “people” pages for each department.
Here’s one for Dayton:
Try to find similar pages for other schools that interest you. Compare the number of available full-time/part-time faculty, where they got their graduate degrees, years of experience, fields of interest, etc.

It depends.
Here’s one stab at a very general answer:

So, according to that page, a master’s degree on average might be worth a salary premium of about $20K-$25K per year. A large employer such as the federal government might pay a US citizen such a premium (more or less) for a master’s degree from ANY university. Some small/specialized firms might not pay much (if any) premium at all for the degree; they may or may not care where you got it. In some cases they might feel an MS makes you “over-qualified” and prefer to hire someone with only a bachelor’s.

Ultimately it may be a question of how valuable these degrees are in your home country.

What you also want to look at is the curriculum at the two schools and the job placement statistics.

Good Luck in your decision.