Conn Coll RD 2025

Congrats! That’s very exciting!


My D21 also received an Early Admission notice from Conn this morning. SUPER JAZZED! She was also invited to participate in the Spring Connections diversity and social justice events. How about you?

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Thank you so much!

Thank you so much and a huge congrats to your daughter as well! I received those in the email too, which is super exciting! I love that they’re valuing diversity and social justice in the classroom and beyond :))


Yes that’s so great! Did not receive the email but hoping for the best come the 20th!

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Congrats! Could you tell us what the email said? I didn’t get one but I would like to Iive vicariously through you :slight_smile:

It sounds like these emails are aimed toward BIPOC students or other underrepresented minorities (I would guess based on the emphasis on diversity and social justice), and/or perhaps applicants who are dedicated to social justice in general!

If that’s the case, it’s great to see Conn emphasizing the importance of diversity and social justice within their campus community! Makes it much more compelling to me at least!


Thanks so much! PerformingDude is right, here’s what it said:

The Admission Committee at Connecticut College was very impressed with your academic and extracurricular accomplishments, as well as the dedication and energy you bring to your community. That’s why you’ll receive a formal letter of admission from me soon. That’s right: You’re going to be a Camel in the Class of 2025!

I’m sharing this news with you now so you can make plans to participate in Spring Connections, an invitation-only program for our admitted students who represent diverse ethnic, racial and socioeconomic backgrounds and those who have shown a keen interest in issues of diversity and social justice. Over two virtual sessions, you’ll meet BIPOC and first-generation Camels who have made the most of the incredible range of opportunities and support systems available to them at Conn.

The 2021 schedule for our Spring Connections is:


That’s awesome!! Huge congrats to you and this sounds like a great program!

Does anybody know if Connecticut offers full rides?


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I see, and good luck with your decision. Fingers crossed they admit you!!! :grinning::slightly_smiling_face:

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Can anyone please send the content of the email informing about the decision release date?


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They sent me this:

Dear Palesa,

The Admission Committee will soon complete its review of candidates seeking admission to Connecticut College for the Class of 2025. An admission decision will be available in your application portal at 10 a.m. (EST) on Saturday, March 20.

If you haven’t logged into your applicant portal recently, we advise that you test your login credentials so that you don’t experience any impediments when decisions are released. Please email if you have trouble logging into the system.

Admitted students who applied for financial aid and whose required documents have been reviewed will also be able to access their award online. Please continue to check your Financial Aid Application Summary for required documentation, and contact the Office of Financial Aid Services with any questions.


Andrew K. Strickler
Dean of Admission and Financial Aid


I received same thing

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Decisions release in less than two hours! Good luck everyone!

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Accepted! With $25k scholarship :slight_smile:


Accepted with Trustee Scholarship ($30k/year)!




son accepted with Trustee Scholarship! congrats and good luck, all!