Conn Coll RD 2025

D21 accepted with the Trustee Scholarship. Congrats to all.

DS was accepted with 25k 1911 Scholarship…but that’s all. No other aid. No loans. Nothing. I’m not sure what they got from our FAFSA and the CSS but they they estimated we could pay 20k more than our EFC. The amount they are saying we can afford is almost exactly my yearly salary. I am so confused.

Would be interesting to see… I’ve been pouring over their website today, couldn’t find it.

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Haha no worries! And thank you!!

Don’t they have to wait for people to accept/reject their offers and to take people off the waitlist? That affects their acceptance rate and SAT range and all that!

Usually they do for their big statistics but some schools do publish data on how many ED1, ED2, and RD applications they received and breakdowns of ethnicity, geographic location, and number accepted for each decision in the timeline. I’m just one of those people that lives on “data” and is always analyzing the heck out of everything.

Ahhhhh gotcha!

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Accepted with $30k scholarship! 32 act, 4.3 GPA, great extra curriculars, good essay, econ major, female, midwest, catholic high school

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I don’t believe that information is available until after this application cycle. You could look
at last year’s stats, but the 2025 year is so different from past years.

My daughter toured Conn College and will be attending. Conn is not overall preppy. It is a beautiful campus, lovely environment, and the students are genuinely nice. As far as students, there is a range from athletes to artistic, but from speaking with current parents, the students are respectful towards one another. Congrats to you daughter!


S was admitted but with no aid so will not be accepting his offer.

Glad to be wrong! It mainly was an intuitive feeling for me, not based on facts, so I totally would take @Serendipity46’s word over mine!

Usually only merit aid is given at the time of acceptance. The full financial aid package (merit + need-based aid, including gov’t loans) is usually offered later (at least, this is my experience with other schools).

Good luck!

I was accepted, and I got a separate email with an invitation to join the Science Leaders Program, which seems really cool! Did anyone else get that email? I’d like to hear other people’s thoughts on the program.

I’m sure there are preppy kids at all nescac colleges, but I didn’t get the impression that was a majority of students. The college seemed well balanced to me.

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The best way to read into how CONN may approach admissions and aid can be reflected on in their 2020-2021 common data set. I hope this provides the insight people are looking for:


For example, the average NON-NEED SCHOLARSHIP & GRANT PACKAGE offered to a 1st time freshman for 2020-2021 was $18,331 (See page 22, H2A-O).

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We were so happy to get the email this morning that they are offering college visits for accepted students! Yay. With the strictest covid restrictions I’ve seen yet, 1 parent and must show proof of a negative covid test. I totally understand and appreciate this safety precaution. We are signed up for the tour on Wed and a Covid test tomorrow! Just wish my husband could join us…


Excellent resource, thank you.

We are touring next Wednesday- how did it go?

We are going tomorrow. Will let you know! :grinning: